This is my docker wrappers. I use docker A LOT, for everything, I am really impressed by Jess Frazelle docker functions.
I usually work with docker-compose'd environment I need a way to simply run things with the same stack without writing very long command lines, so here is my take on that matter.
You can install this repository using either one of these method:
bash <(curl -sL
These dotfiles requires an additional castle to properly run:
homesick clone aegypius/dotfiles-docker
homesick clone aegypius/dotfiles-wrapped
Then you need to update your .bashrc
with the following code:
# Source everything in ~/bashrc.d {{{
if [ -d ~/.bashrc.d ]; then
for script in ~/.bashrc.d/*; do
test -f $script && source $script;
# }}}
- aegypius/dotfiles: My personal dotfiles canonical repository
- aegypius/dotfiles-docker: Docker helpers functions