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drewjohnsonataeris edited this page Jul 6, 2020 · 10 revisions

aerisapisdk python package wiki

This package is intended to provide both an SDK and CLI for the Aeris connectivity APIs. It can also serve as sample code for customers to write their own integrations to Aeris APIs.

This is not production code. There is no formal support provided by Aeris for this SDK.


OS environments tested so far:

  • Ubuntu 18 on Windows 10
  • Windows 10 cmd shell

Python environments tested so far:

  • Python 3.7.5 / pip 19.3.1

Installation / upgrade:

$ pip install aerisapisdk
$ pip install --upgrade aerisapisdk

$ pip3 install aerisapisdk
$ pip3 install --upgrade aerisapisdk


$ aeriscli (Runs this way because aericli script gets installed in python/bin or python/scripts directory)
$ python -m aerisapisdk.cli (Run via module command)

$ python3 -m aerisapisdk.cli (Run via module command)

Usage information

The --help option can be used at any level to get more information about usage

$ aeriscli --help
Usage: aeriscli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  -v, --verbose             Verbose output
  -cfg, --config-file TEXT  Path to aservices config file.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

  aeradmin    AerAdmin API Services
  aerframe    AerFrame API Services
  aertraffic  AerTraffic API Services
  config      Set up the configuration for using this tool
  ping        Simple ping of the api endpoints

Ping command

This is the most simple command you can run without any configuration.

$ aeriscli ping
Checking all api endpoints ...
Checking all api endpoints ...
Endpoint is alive:
Endpoint is alive:
Endpoint is alive:
Endpoint is alive:

Configuration command

For nearly all commands, you will need to configure the SDK with information about your Aeris account. Run the config command and log into the AerPort portal in order to identify your account number and API key. You must configure the tool with at least one device ID in order to complete the configuration.

$ aeriscli config

AerAdmin commands

Used to interact with the AerAdmin API

$  aeriscli aeradmin --help
Usage: aeriscli aeradmin [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  AerAdmin API Services

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  device   AerAdmin get device details
  network  AerAdmin get device network details

AerTraffic commands

Used to interact with the AerTraffic API

$  aeriscli aertraffic --help
Usage: aeriscli aertraffic [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  AerTraffic API Services

  --help  Show this message and exit.


AerFrame commands

Used to interact with the AerFrame API

$  aeriscli aerframe --help
Usage: aeriscli aerframe [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  AerFrame API Services

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  application   AerFrame application commands
  channel       AerFrame notification channel commands
  init          Initialize application, notification channel, and...
  network       AerFrame network commands
  sms           AerFrame SMS commands
  subscription  AerFrame subscription commands

AerFrame Initialize

This command provides the simple way to fully initialize AerFrame so it is ready to send an SMS. It creates an AerFrame application named 'aerframesdk', creates a notification channel, and creates a subscription.

$  aeriscli aerframe init
aerframesdk application does not exist
Created application aerframesdk
aerframesdk channel does not exist
Created notification channel for aerframesdk
aerframesdk has no outbound (MT-DR) subscriptions.
Created outbound (MT-DR) subscription for aerframesdk

AerFrame Send SMS

$  aeriscli aerframe sms send
AerFrame sms commands
Sent SMS:
    "address": [
    "senderAddress": "aerframesdk",
    "senderName": "aerframesdk",
    "outboundSMSTextMessage": {
        "message": "Test from aerframesdk."
    "clientCorrelator": "123456",
    "resourceURL": ""