The UnifiedPush Server Admin library allows to admin the UPS by javascript or typescript code.
Supported features are:
- create: allows to create an application initialised with all the provided properties
- delete: allows to delete all the applications matching given criteria
- update: allows to update a given application
- search: allows to search for all the applications matching given criteria
- create: allows to create a variant initialised with all the specified properties
- delete: allows to delete all the variants matching given criteria
- update: allows to update a given variant
- search: allows to search for all the variants matching given criteria
- renew secret: allows to renew the secret of a given variant
git clone
cd unifiedpush-admin-client
npm run compile
npm run test
The entry point of the library is the UpsAdminClient class. Its constructor takes two arguments:
- serverURL: The URL of the UnifiedPushServer. The url must be complete of protocol and port.
- credentials: This parameter is be used to authenticate before trying to call the UPS REST endpoints. Two types of credentials
can be specified:
- Basic: this is just username/password used for basic authentication
- Keycloak: this is composed of username/password, realm, client_id and keycloak URL. Optionally, if you already have a valid bearer token, it can be specified here, so that the library won't try to authenticate again.
Example without credentials:
const upsadm = new UpsAdminClient('http://localhosrt:9999');
Example with basic authentication:
const upsadm = new UpsAdminClient('http://localhosrt:9999',
{username: 'username', password: 'password', type: 'basic'});
Example with keycloak authentication:
const upsadm = new UpsAdminClient('http://localhosrt:9999',
kcUrl: '',
username: 'username',
password: 'password',
type: 'keycloak',
You will notice that we didn't specify values for client_id
and realm
: they will default to unified-push-server-js
and aerogear
All the methods to be used to manage applications can be found inside the applications
To get the list of the applications, we will use
const searchResult = await;
console.log(`Total number of applications: ${}`);
console.log('Applications:', searchResult.list)
The search provides a fluid interface that allows to filter the results. For example, to search all the applications named 'TEST' we can do:
const searchResult = await
More than one filter can be specified.
WARNING The result is returned one page at a time. Each page will contain 10 applications. To specify which page to return, the
parameter must be specified:
const searchResult = await
The returned value will be a dictionary containing the following keys:
- total: the total number of apps that match the given filter
- list: the current result page
To create an application we will use the create
const app = await upsadm.applications.create('newApp').execute();
The returned app
object will have all the id
and pushApplicationId
fields populated by the server.
To update an application we will use the update
const apps = await upsadm.applications.update(appId)
All the methods to be used to manage variants can be found inside the variants
To get the list of the variants, we will use
const apps = await;
where appId
is the id of the application owning the variants.
The search command provides a fluent interface that can be used to add filters to the search:
const apps = await
.withName('my variant')
NOTE You are not limited to use only one filter: if you specify more than one, they will be all applied. The only
exception is the id
filter: if specified, all the other filters will be ignored.
To create a variant we will use the create
const variant =
The returned variant
object will have all the pushApplicationID
field populated by the server.
To delete variants, we will use the delete
const apps = upsadm.variants.delete(appId).execute();
If you don't want to delete all the variants, you can decide what to delete by using the fluent interface:
const apps = upsadm.variants.delete(appId)
If you want to work on variants of a specified type, you can use the scoped version of the delete method:
const apps =