NOTE: This README may be incomplete or not entirely true as the project is still under development.
Eco is hopefully your number one choice when it comes to building configurable Erlang applications.
Eco provides tools to create accessible configuration management, even for people that are not (or not willing) familiar with Erlang itself (think sysadmins, maintenance deparments etc.). It is backed up by a Mnesia database which offers some unique features in the spirit of Erlang.
Eco has evolved from a pervious project named "confetti"; each having similar goals.
- Easy, intuitive programming interface
- Multiple file formats supported (Erlang terms natively, however JSON/YAML/XML/INI or your own custom adapter are options)
- SSH Management console allows the programmer to expose API functions to end-users via a simple command-line interface, as well as perform some basic operations like configuration reloading.
- Fault Tolerance is provided through a multi-master mirroring of Mnesia database tables. Eco will not crash due to incorrect configuration files so long as they pass customizable validation and are syntactically correct.
- Eco will always try to fallback safely to the last known working configuration.
"There are many like it but this one is mine..." - The Rifleman's Creed
There are a few similar projects on github, here is the quick comparison:
eco | confetti | econf | nakaz | |
Auto-reload | - | - | YES (1) | - |
Runtime-reload | YES | YES | YES | (?) |
Reload notifications | YES | YES | - | YES |
Supported formats | * (0) | Erlang | INI | YAML |
Management interface | SSH (1) | telnet/nc (1) | - | - |
Management ACL | YES (5) | - | - | - |
Custom management commands | YES | YES | - | - |
Custom validation | YES | YES | - | YES |
Automatic backup on reload | YES | YES | - | - |
Multiple config files | YES | YES | YES | - |
Caching | Mnesia | - | ETS | ? |
Dependencies | - (2) | - | YES (3) | YES (4) |
Key-Value support enforcement | YES (1) | - | (?) | (?) |
UTF-8 support | YES | YES | (?) | (?) |
- (0) - Format agnostic - custom format adapters
- (1) - optional/can be disabled
- (2) - optional dependencies for specific configuration adapters
- (3) - gproc, edown
- (4) - lager, yamler, z_validate, parse_trans
- (5) - SSH authentication (keys or passwords)
- (?) - To be verified
NOTE! eco source code is well documented. If in doubt, please refer directly to the source files or generate additional API documentation with
make doc
- Requirements:
- Erlang/OTP (tested with R15B01)
- Rebar
Build the source code:
$ git clone git://
Compile and run the example client:
$ make example
This will make the example and execute the following:
erl -pa ebin -boot start_sasl -sname example -s eco_example -eco_plugins shell -eco_auto_init true
You might be wondering what are the extra options and how to use them, but let's
skip that part for now. What you need to know is the eco_example.erl
will be started reading configuration values from conf/example.conf
You will most likely want to add eco to your rebar dependenices, just specify the following directive in your rebar.config
{deps, [
{'eco', ".*", {git, "git://"}}
Next, get-deps (git pull) and compile echo with make all
If everything went well, you should see compiled Erlang .beam
files within deps/eco/ebin. Now you're ready to plug eco into
your existing Erlang/OTP application.
Because eco requires Mnesia, on first run you must initialize it. Eco can do this automatically for you by providing the argument "-eco_auto_init true"
$ erl -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin -s eco -eco_auto_init true
You could otherwise initialize the Mnesia schema by hand. To do so start an erlang shell (with the provided ebin paths) and execute eco:initialize() as follows:
$ erl -pa ebin -pa deps/*/ebin -s eco
Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)
1> eco:initialize().
=INFO REPORT==== 22-Aug-2012::11:31:53 ===
Trying to initialize mnesia schema...
=INFO REPORT==== 22-Aug-2012::11:31:54 ===
application: mnesia
exited: stopped
type: temporary
If the schema has been initialized you should be able to verify it by confirming
the existence of Mnesia.nonode@nohost
directory (the direcory name will change
if you provide the node/host names, you should initialize eco again then).
Starting eco from within your application is an fairly easy task:
Note, that it will also start internal OTP dependencies such as pg2
and mnesia
Don't worry if you have already started these on your own.
Eco can handle any configuration file format (the worst case requires
a little additional programming).
For now, let's just stick to native format which is simply an Erlang term,
that can be read using file:consult/1
Configuration files are stored in conf/
directory by default. This directory
is relative to your application directory. If you are not happy with the default
path, you can change it by providing the config_dir
setting within the StartArgs
We will cover that later.
Every configuration file you intend to use will need to be set up.
This is done by calling the eco:setup/1
or eco:setup/2
Let's assume you have already created a configuration file for your application:
%% conf/foo.conf
{username, "root"}.
{password, "123456"}. %% it is your root password, isn't it?
You will, most likely you have an OTP process that will make use of that data, therefore
you should call eco:setup
{ok, F} = eco:setup(<<"foo.conf">>),
The setup
call should be done in your processes supervisor or the init/1
function itself -- that is entirely up to you, but please note that there is no
reason for you to call setup
more than once. And you may definitely expect some
strange behaviour when calling setup
in more than one place with different
arguments in each.
The above call assumes that:
- You are using native Erlang terms format to store your configuration
- You are not using any validators except for the basic syntax coherence.
- The configuration read is a list of key-value terms.
If any of the above assumtions is not true, eco will crash with an
error message that should be self-explainatory.
If you want to modify those assumptions, you might be
interested in calling setup/2
which accepts a list of additional setup options.
returns the Filename
argument, which is done only for convinience.
The configuration is loaded now and are ready proceed.
User = eco:term(username, F),
Pass = eco:term(password, F),
interface is similar to proplists:get_value
's, so you can provide
the defaults as well:
User = eco:term(username, F, <<"Anonymous">>),
Pass = eco:term(password, F),
If a key cannot be found and there is no default value provided, eco:term
will return undefined
NOTE: Refer to the source files/API documentation for more details.
There are two ways to reload an eco configuration.
The first way is provided by the reload/1
function which you can
execute directly from the Erlang console.
The second way it through an SSH console (see below).
Each time you will successfully reload a configuration file, a backup of the
previous one will be saved to conf/dump/
directory. Every "dump" file will be
tagged with the current timestamp for easier maintenance.
Let's change some configuration values:
%% conf/foo.conf
{username, "joe"}.
{password, "moar entrOpy for greater good!"}.
And reload them using the Erlang shell:
1> eco:reload(<<"foo.conf">>).
{ok, <<"foo.conf">>}.
Looks like everything went fine and the new credentials are now accessible for your code. But that will be noticed by your process the next time it fetches the values. Let's make it more robust by adding a configuration reload subscription.
ok = eco:sub(<<"foo.conf">>),
The sub
call basically means that the calling process will receieve a message
in the form of {eco_reload, <<"foo.conf">>}
everytime the configuration has
been successfully reloaded.
So now all you need to do is handle that message, assuming your process is an OTP one,
you will most likely use handle_info like so:
handle_info({eco_reload, <<"foo.conf">>}, State) ->
%% Let the supervisor take care of this
{stop, normal, State};
This way, your process will be stopped and hopefully restarted by a supervisor
fetching the new values. Alternatively you can just return {noreply, State}
with an updated State
or perform any action that will assure the new configuration
is now known to the client.
Eco comes with an SSH server for basic configuration management commands support. This is probably the tool you will give to authorized persons without access to the Erlang console.
- Key-based authentication
TODO / under construction
- Password-based authentication
TODO / under construction
Now you can access your management console by simply doing:
$ ssh admin@localhost -p50000
eco $
The eco shell supports command autocompletion, so whenever in doubt you can hit
TAB to see the available commands or command parameters. The command we are
looking for is surprisingly named reload
eco $ reload foo.conf
OK: eco_shell.conf
eco $
TODO / under construction
TODO / under construction
TODO / under construction