- 🔭 I’m currently working on data recovery tools for the PS3 and PS4: PS-HDD-Tools
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Qt and WebGL (separate projects)
FATXTools - Data recovery tools for the Xbox and Xbox 360.
PS-HDD-Tools - Data recovery tools for Playstation consoles.
ida_gel - Game ELF Loaders for PS3, PSVita, and Wii U.
dynlib - Import/export symbol resolver, symbol loader, and relocation loader for PS4 user mode ELF's.
- Naughty Dog engine script disassembler: dc-disassemble.py
- PS3 analysis script for Ghidra: ps3.py
- PS3 hdd file carver: ps3rec.py
- PS3 FIOS cache file unpacker: fios.py
- PSVita relocation visualization: VitaReloc.md
- Xbox 360 partition documentation: X360Partitions.md