Beware killer rabbits! And don't use this in anything remotly related to a production or public deployment!!!
This is a vagrant configuration to build a development VM for the GC site/ABC. It contains:
- A LAMP stack
- PhpBB 3.0.12
- Django 1.7 (b2)
- Not much else yet
- Have VirtualBox installed
- Have Vagrant installed
- Have access to KoffeinFlummi's GCWeb.
Clone this repository.
Clone Koffeinflumis GCWeb repository into the ./src/GCWeb
Clone the gcabc_ Repository into ./src/gcabc
Change to the repository root and run:
vagrant up
vagrant up will basicall do the following things:
- Download a Ubuntu 14.04 vagrant image from ubuntu.com and set up a VM with it
- Add port forwarding from the client to the host so you can access phpBB/ABC from http://localhost:10080 on the host.
- Provision the VM with the Software above, especially: * Add a MySQL database for phpBB/ABC * Import the Tables/Data of a new phpBB installation * Configure Apache to serve ./projects/GCWeb
The mysql database on the client is initalized with the data from a newly installed phpbb 3.0.12. If you want to use different data you can replace the file files/phpbb_initial_data.sql with a mysql dump of your choice before you build the box the first time.
If you want to replace the data later you can replace the file phpbb_initial_data.sql and run ./bin/phpbb_reinitialize_database.sh.
- systems user/password: vagrant (default of the VM image)
- mysql db/user/password: phpbb (configure in manifests/site.pp and used in `files/*config.php)
- phpbb admin user/password: admin/password (part of ` phpbb_initial_data.sql`)
We configure an apache virtual host on the guest that serves GCWeb like described in it's README, and django trough a ProxyPass rule for the urls /djangoadmin and /abc.
Customized phpBB (with GCWeb) http://localhost:80 (guest), forwarded to http://localhost:10080 (host) guest path: /var/www/html served by apache, started: automatically configured by vagrant/puppet
guest path: /vagrant/projects/GCWeb host path: ./projects/GCWeb
gcabc (Prototype to implement ABC in django) http://localhost:80/abc + http://localhost:80/djangoadmin (guest), forwarded to http://localhost:10080/abc + http://localhost:10080/djangoadmin (host)
- guest path:
- python environment: /home/vagrant/gcdjango
- django application: /vagrant/projects/gcabc
Needs to be started manually from the host with:
- You can get a django shell with::
Before it is usable you have to run the migrations on the host which is not done automatically.
$ vagrant ssh vagrant@... $ cd /vagrant/projects/gcabc vagrant@... $ /home/vagrant/gcdjango/bin/python manage.py migrate
If you don't start the django server you'll get a bad gateway error for /abc and /djangoadmin