Champagne Coding with Redpill Linpro on February 26, 2020
- Go through the steps in the file,
- Once Anaconda is installed, you should set up a new conda environment in the terminal (macOS, Linux) or the anaconda prompt terminal (Windows):
- Option 1:
conda env create --name champagne_coding -f environment.yml
- Option 2: If that doesn't work, try
conda create --name champagne_coding --file explicit_env.txt
- NOTE: if this doesn't work and you're using Windows, you may have to install the Python packages as you go through the code
- More information on using conda here:
- Activate the environment:
- Linux, mac OS:
source activate champagne_coding
- Windows :
activate champagne_coding
- Start a jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook
- Run through the Python notebook,
Initial checkout from server to local host
git clone <url>
Pull changes from server to local host
git pull
Commit changes locally
git commit -a -m "Commit message"
Push committed changes to origin server
git push
If you have docker installed, you can test the code locally with:
docker build . -t champagne-coding
docker run -p 8080:8080 --volume="$PWD:/app" -it champagne-coding
The application is then available on in your web browser