This Word API is built using Java 10, Spring Boot, JUnit 5, Swagger, Lombok, and Docker. TDD was used to implement code, have a look at the commits too see the TDD approach.
To run the project execute from the project root
docker-compose up
This will pull the pre-built images from Docker Hub and run it in docker.
Navigate to: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html to access the API through SWAGGER
You can run all unit and integration tests by executing the following from the project root
mvn clean verify
A Bash script has been written to provide useful commands for the project. It is executed in the following way:
./ {build|start|stop|run|push|logs}
build: build the application
start: start the docker containers
stop: stop and remove the docker containers
run: build and start
push: push the images to Docker Hub
logs: shows log output from docker containers
- Add logging