Support Password Reset Flow, Expose Softhub Mode
This release introduces calls to support password reset, and exposes the Softhub mode startup parameter.
Password Recovery/Reset
Release 1.2.2 supports password recovery/reset via three new APIClient
sendPasswordRecoveryEmail(for:appId:) -> Promise<Void>
sends a request to the Afero service to send a password reset code to the email address associated with an account. -
updatePassword(with:shortCode:appId:) -> Promise<Void>
provides a means to reset a user's password while unauthenticated, using a code obtained from a recovery email sent in response tosendPasswordRecoveryEmail(...)
. -
updatePassword(with:credentialId:accountId:) -> Promise<Void>
provides a means to change a password while authenticated, without the need for a recovery email to be sent.
The AferoLab
sample app has been updated with example code and UI that exercises these methods.
Softhub Mode Parameter
While this is now publicly available, it should only be changed at the explicit direction of Afero. Otherwise, its default setting is correct.