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Mediapipe Segmentation Sample

Added Features

  1. Apply mediapipe on local video (mp4 etc.)
  2. Customize combine_with_previous_ratio value.
  3. Record Mediapipe rendered video.
  4. Save log in a file (Mediapipe runtime , Cpu & GPU details).

How to use

Download git repository

git clone

Download OpenCV prebuild binary files and generate arr file

Download the opencv .so file from this-link unzip the and copy the corrensponding .so file in app/src/main/jniLibs

Your project should look like this.

Create mediapipe arr file follow-this.


Build & Run

Now you can build the project in Android studio with gradle & can RUN.

How to change model

Prebuild binarypb is for following configration

input: [224,224] 
output: [224,224]
Number of Channels: 3

You need to change input/output & chanel size in segmentation graph according to your tflite model,

To change model copy your tflite file in assets folder with name hair_segmentation.tflite

Note: The model added to this repository is just for demo and not the accurate one, must use your own tflite file.