A Terraform workspace is a collection of everything Terraform needs to run. a Terraform configuration, values for that configuration's variables, and state data to keep track of operations between runs. There are couple folders for each workspace to splits Terraform codes in different section: 1.DynamoDB 2.Network 3.Frankfurt_Environment
Terraform modules located in the Frankfurt_Environment/modules
asg: auto scaling group
aws-lb: load balancer
instance: ec2
lc: launch configuration
sg_rule: security group rule
In order to connect AWS with the proper user profile and aws region, It's needed to edit Frankfurt_Environment/config.tf
variable "aws_region" {
default = "us-east-1"
variable "aws_profile" {
default = "demo-staging"
In order to prevent interference of running multiple Terraform code in separate machines, I used Dynamodb and S3 as a locking mechanism to save terraform-lock file. before setup terraform infrastructure we need to implement S3 and Dynamodb components:
$ git clone
$ cd DynamoDB
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
$ cd Packer
$ packer build nginx.json
$ packer build node_app.json
Update image id (ami) in the Frankfurt_Environment/frankfurt.tfvars
file for launch configuration (nginx and app):
nginx lauch configuration:
type = "lc",
category = "nginx",
name = "nginx",
ami = "ami-013f17f36f8b1fefb",
instance_type = "t2.micro",
app lauch configuration:
type = "lc",
category = "app",
name = "app",
ami = "ami-013f17f36f8b1fefb",
- Create a new AWS key or import your own ssh key to AWS by following this document
and save it (private and public parts) in theFrankfurt_Environment/.SSH_KEY/
ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (~/.ssh/id_rsa): Frankfurt_Environment/.SSH_KEY/terraform.pem
- Add ssh key to ssh-agent:
ssh-add Frankfurt_Environment/.SSH_KEY/terraform.pem
- Upload private key to S3 bucket named
- Change the name of your AWS profile in the
variable "aws_profile" {
aws_profile = "YOUR-AWS-PROFILE-NAME"
$ cd Network
$ terraform init
$ terraform apply
$ cd Frankfurt_Environment
$ terraform apply
$ terraform apply -var-file=frankfurt.tfvars
$ cd Frankfurt_Environment
$ terraform destroy