____ __ __ _
/ ___| ___ ___ _ __ ___| \/ | ___ _ __ | | _____ _ _
\___ \ / __/ _ \| '__/ _ \ |\/| |/ _ \| '_ \| |/ / _ \ | | |
___) | (_| (_) | | | __/ | | | (_) | | | | < __/ |_| |
|____/ \___\___/|_| \___|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|_|\_\___|\__, |
Automatic music to MIDI converter
Trello: https://trello.com/b/4ZpCOXng/losborbotones-proyectofinal
Slack: https://losborbotones.slack.com
# install nodejs
# install npm (node package manager)
# install mongodb-server
# install mplayer
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install
Aubio is the main dependency of the project and is the library that provides the frequency analysis of a wave. Place the script aubio_install.sh
in your home directory and execute it.
grunt server
# or simply:
# (as "server" is the default task)
grunt test
#your debugging code:
Monkey = include("domain/monkey")
# ...
#requires arecord/sox & timidity
#gtick is recomended as metronome
heroku run /bin/bash --app scoremonkey
heroku logs --tail --app scoremonkey
heroku git:remote --app scoremonkey
git push heroku master