Plugin for Apache Cordova (aka Phonegap) that wraps the mapsforge libraries(v 0.4).
For now this project is no longer supported. Feel free to use it as a base for any further development.
- Overview
- Installation
- Mapsforge native
- Mapsforge offline tile layer
- Examples
- Contribute
- License
- Javadoc
- Ionic framework or emulator based on web browser
This plugin is available for Android(Amazon and FireOS as well) and allows you to use mapsforge in two modes: native, and as an offline tile layer (for use with other libraries like Leaflet).
All the necessary libraries are imported with the plugin automatically.
Once you have your Cordova project created, you can add this plugin to it going to the project's folder and executing the following command:
cordova plugins add
If you want to uninstall it, simply execute:
cordova plugins rm com.suarez.cordova.mapsforge
This mode will run mapsforge directly in the device, what means that it will add the map view directly on top on any other view. This may look unappropriately since you will not be able to manage it like a HTML div
element, but there are methods to solve that problems and it renders the map faster which may be important for you. With this mode you can display offline maps from .map
files that user has in his device, or you can display maps from an online tile provider.
In order to access this mode you will have to use the mapsforge.embedded
object. Its main methods and constants are:
mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_DKGRAY: -12303292;
mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_CYAN: -16711681;
mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_BLACK: -16777216;
mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_BLUE: -16776961;
mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_GREEN: -16711936;
mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_RED: -65536;
mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_WHITE: -1;
mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_TRANSPARENT: 0;
mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_YELLOW: -256;
mapsforge.embedded.MARKER_RED: "marker_red";
mapsforge.embedded.MARKER_GREEN: "marker_green";
mapsforge.embedded.MARKER_BLUE: "marker_blue";
mapsforge.embedded.MARKER_YELLOW: "marker_yellow";
mapsforge.embedded.MARKER_BLACK: "marker_black";
mapsforge.embedded.MARKER_WHITE: "marker_white";
initialize([String mapFilePath, int viewWidth, int viewHeight], function success(result), function error(message))
: The map file path provided must be the absolute file path. You can specify thewidth
values for the view that will be added, or you can set them to0
for set the value toMATCH_PARENT
. You must call this method before any other success(result), function error(message))
: To show the map view.hide(function success(result), function error(message))
: To hide the map view.setCenter(double lat, double lng, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets the center of the map to the given coordinates.setZoom(byte zoomLevel, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets the zoom to the specified value (if it is between the zoom limits).setMaxZoom(byte maxZoom, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets the maximum zoom level.setMinZoom(byte minZoom, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets the minimum zoom level.setOfflineTileLayer([String mapFilePath, String renderThemePath], function success(result), function error(message))
: The path to the map ile is required, and the path to the render theme may benull
in order to apply the default render theme.setOnlineTileLayer([String providerName, String host, String baseUrl, String extension, int port], function success(result), function error(message))
: The best way to explain this function is through a call
mapsforge.embedded.setOnlineTileLayer(['MapQuest', '', '/tiles/1.0.0/map/', 'png', 80]);
addMarker([String marker_color, double lat, double lng], function success(result), function error(message))
: Adds a marker to the map in the specified coordinates and returns the key for that marker to thesuccess
function. That key is the one you have to use if you want to delete it. The color of the marker should be one of the constants shown at the beginning of this section; if the marker doesn't exist a green marker will be used instead.addPolyline([int color, int strokeWidth,[double points]], function success(result), function error(message))
: Adds a polyline to the map and returns the key generated for it. The color can be one of the constants specified before, or the new color you want. This function will use the odd positions of the array of points for the latitudes and the even positions for the longitudes. Example:[lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2, lat3, lng3]
. If the length of the array is not even, the function will throw an exception and return the error message to theerror
function.deleteLayer(int key, function success(result), function error(message))
: Deletes the layer(markers or polylines) with the specified key from the map.onStart(function success(result), function error(message))
: Initializes again the map if theonStop
method was called.onStop(function success(result), function error(message))
: Stops the rendering. Useful for when the app goes to the background. You have to call theonStart
method to restart it.onDestroy(function success(result), function error(message))
: Stops and cleans the resources that have been used.
The offline tile layer, or offline cache, uses a .map
file to render the tiles in PNG
format and stores them in the device's cache. Then it returns the path of the generated tiles, so any other library/plugin can use them.
In order to use this mode, you will have to use the mapsforge.cache
object. Here go the main methods:
*Optional parameters (callbacks are always optional).
initialize(String mapFilePath, function success(result), function error(message))
: You should call this method before any other one, and provide it with the absolute map file path.getTile([double lat, double lng, byte zoom], function success(result), function error(message))
: This method is the one that provides the tiles, generating them if their are not in the cache. Despite thesuccess
function is optional, you should provide a valid function since this method will return the tile's path to yoursuccess
function.setCacheEnabled(boolean enabled, function success(result), function error(message))
: Enables or disables the cache. If disabled, the plugin will generate the tiles always from scratch. Cache is enabled by default.setExternalCache(boolean external, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets whether or not the cache should be placed in the internal memory or in the SD card. By default it is placed in SD card, so devices with not too much memory have a better performance.setMapFile(String absolutePath, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets the map file to be used for rendering to the map specified by its absolute path.setMaxCacheAge(long milliseconds, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets the age for the generated images. This means that when the cache is being cleaned, all images younger than the specified value will be kept in the cache in order to avoid deleting images that are being used at the moment.setMaxCacheSize(int sizeInMB, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets the maximum size for the cache. This size must be specified in megabytes. If there is not that space available, the cache will fit the maximum size.setTileSize(int size, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets the tile size. By default the tile size is set to 256.setCacheCleaningTrigger(int sizeInMB, function success(result), function error(message))
: This method sets the size in megabytes that will remain always available in memory in order to avoid that the application uses all space available.destroyCacheOnExit(boolean destroy, function success(result), function error(message))
: Sets a flag to destroy the cache when theonDestroy
method is called.onDestroy(function success(result), function error(message))
: Deletes the cache depending on the flag state.
As an example, a Leaflet code will be provided below:
- For leaflet version 0.7
var map ='map-div');
L.OfflineTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
getTileUrl : function(tilePoint, tile) {
var zoom = tilePoint.z, x = tilePoint.x, y = tilePoint.y;
if (mapsforge.cache) {
mapsforge.cache.getTile([x,y,zoom],{ onSuccess: function(result) {tile.src=result;},
onError: function() {tile.src = "path to an error image";}});
tile.src = "path to an error image";
_loadTile: function (tile, tilePoint) {
tile._layer = this;
tile.onload = this._tileOnLoad;
tile.onerror = this._tileOnError;
this.getTileUrl(tilePoint, tile);'tileloadstart', {
tile: tile,
url: tile.src
L.offlineTileLayer = function (options) {
return new L.OfflineTileLayer(null, options);
maxZoom: 18
- For leaflet version 0.8 (current dev)
var map ='map-div');
L.OfflineTileLayer = L.TileLayer.extend({
createTile: function (coords, done) {
var tile = document.createElement('img');
tile.onload = L.bind(this._tileOnLoad, this, done, tile);
tile.onerror = L.bind(this._tileOnError, this, done, tile);
if (this.options.crossOrigin) {
tile.crossOrigin = '';
Alt tag is set to empty string to keep screen readers from reading URL and for compliance reasons
tile.alt = '';
var x = coords.x;
var y = this.options.tms ? this._globalTileRange.max.y - coords.y : coords.y;
var zoom = this._getZoomForUrl();
// Tile path to return
var errorUrl = this.options.errorTileUrl;
if (mapsforge.cache) {
mapsforge.cache.getTile([ x, y, zoom ], function(result) {
tile.src = result;
}, function(error) {
tile.src = errorUrl;
return tile;
L.offlineTileLayer = function (options) {
return new L.OfflineTileLayer(null, options);
maxZoom: 18
- Important: You can find a better example here:
mapsforge.embedded.initialize(["/mnt/sdcard/",0,0]); //Creates the view
mapsforge.embedded.setCenter(43.360056,-5.845757); //Sets the center of the view
//Adding a marker
var makerKey;
mapsforge.embedded.addMarker([mapsforge.embedded.MARKER_YELLOW,43.360056,-5.845757],function(key){markerKey = key;});
//Adding a polyline
var points = [43.360056,-5.845757, 43.160056,-5.645757,43.560056,-5.895757];
var polylineKey;
mapsforge.embedded.addPolyline([mapsforge.embedded.COLOR_GREEN,10,points], function(key){polylineKey = key;}, function(error){alert(error);});
As it could be seen with the Leaflet code previously, this mode allows you to use offline maps with other libraries. Despite of that, you have to initialize the renderer before inserting the Leaflet code.
mapsforge.cache.initialize("/mnt/sdcard/"); //Initializes the renderer with the offline map
/*Now you can use the Leaflet code seen before*/
mapsforge.cache.setExternalCache(false); //Sets the cache to internal for faster performance
//Now we set the cache size to 50 MB. This will increase the time between cleanings, but
//it will also make those cleanings slower, since there are a lot more of images to
// be careful when you choose the cache size
Feel free to contribute, add issues about bringing more features to the plugin, detecting bugs...
MIT license