My personal website in which I describe my work experience, projects, what I'm currently working on and about my future goals
Gatsby is a static site generator that leverages React.
There are numerous advantages of using Gatsby such as the fact that it is a Progress Web App generator. This means that Gatsby only loads the critical HTML, CSS, data and JavaScript so that the site can load as fast as possible. In addition, it pre-fetches resources for other pages, so clicking around the site feels fast and responsive.
Furthermore, Gatsby has some great support for web hosting sites such as Netlify, Github Pages, etc.
Though creating a personal website was a project I eventually wanted to accomplish, a former co-worker of mine, Karlo Delalic was the major driving force as I was able to follow in his footsteps to create my own website.
He wrote a particular article that was key in explaining his own reasoning for choosing Gatsby for his own personal site and why others should also use it.