Core Java Project on Hospital Management System (HMS) using awt ,swings, JDBC and mysql. Happy to get some valuable suggestions regarding the project. 😄
Tested on Windows OS only as of now. But feel free to contact me for any problems on Linux systems.
Jar file added.
Driver class added
👉 To run the project you should have a java compiler, java path set in your system, jdbc driver (driver class) and mysql.
JDBC driver and Javacreator setup is provided in the repository.
Ensure that classpath
is set for the jdbc-driver-class jar file. Like in my case classpath
variable is
C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL\mysql-connector-java-5.1.12-bin.jar
👉 Firstly create an empty database in your mysql with name hms. If you want some other name for the database then you have to change name of the database in file also.
👉 Images folder should be in the same folder in which all java files are kept.
👉 To compile all java files in the same folder.
Open cmd in that folder in which all java files are kept.
javac -d . *.java
(Put space between all four parameters)
javac - compiles all java files -d - compiled files are send into a folder . - current directory *.java - compiling all files together
Done 🍻
👉 To run the project:
Suppose your directory name is hms which consists of all .java
files, so after compilation a new directory inside this hms directory will get formed with same name i.e. "hms" and that will contain all your .class
Now to run the java program, be in the parent "hms" directory and run command java hms.FrmSplash and that will run the project from the Splash screen.
👉 If you don't want to run the project starting again with splash screen then uncomment the following in the file and in place of kb type your login username.
(If hms.sql is used to store database in mySQL, then Username is kb and Password is 12345678)
public static void main(String [] args)
new FrmMainFrame("kb");
Then start running the project by typing java hms.FrmMainFrame