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###You are of playing agar.io with your mouse? Why use all 5 fingers to eat your enemies when you can do it with just 4!
Agar.io-key-movement is a short script that allows you to control your blob using the ESDF arrow keys in the popular browser game Agar.io
- Check a demo here agario hack
- Go to agar.io
- Copy this code snippet:
a=document.getElementById("canvas"),b=this.onkeydown,c=this.onkeyup,d=a.onmousemove,e=a.width/2,f=a.height/2,this.onkeydown=function(g){b(g),83!=g.keyCode||(e=-100000),68!=g.keyCode||(f=100000),69!=g.keyCode||(f=-100000),70!=g.keyCode||(e=100000),d({clientX:e,clientY:f})},this.onkeyup=function(g){c(g),83!=g.keyCode||(e=a.width/2),68!=g.keyCode||(f=a.height/2),69!=g.keyCode||(f=a.height/2),70!=g.keyCode||(e=a.width/2),d({clientX:e,clientY:f})},a.onmousemove=null,alert("You're ready to play Agar.io with ESDF!");
- Paste it into your JavaScript Console and press enter.
Additional Notes
- ESDF was chosen as the key layout over WASD due to the conflict of W already possbeing binded to an in-game ability.
- Change key layout to WASD
- Re-map the W ability to another key (E?, Mouse Click?) =======