A Julia library to build flexible and composable aquatic ecosystems.
- DEV — documentation of the in-development version.
Download Julia by following instructions at https://julialang.org/downloads/.
Clone this repository and change your current working directory to this project:
cd Agate.jl
To activate the project (this takes a while as it installs all the packages):
julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
You can then use the package interactively, in the terminal:
julia --project=.
To run an example script:
julia --project <path to script>
To use the package in a Jupyter notebook run:
using Pkg
Pkg.activate("<path to Agate.jl repo>")
We follow the Blue style guide for Julia. To automatically format all Julia files in the project you can use the JuliaFormatter. Once you have installed it (add JuliaFormatter
) run:
using JuliaFormatter
To update project dependencies:
] add <package>
To run tests:
] test