An AWS Lambda for triggering an ECS service roll restart with a CloudWatch metric alarm
- The CloudWatch metric alarm that triggers the Lamdba function must have the following dimensions:
- ServiceName: The name of the ECS service you want to roll restart
- ClusterName: The name of the ECS cluster in which the service resides
Add the module to your Terraform project:
module "ecs_service_restarter" {
source = ""
region = var.region
account_id = var.account_id
sns_topic_to_notify_on_failure = aws_sns_topic.ops.arn
You can now call the Lambda function from a CloudWatch Alarm by specifying the ECS service restarter SNS topic arn in the alarm_actions
resource "aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm" "maximum_memory_utilization" {
alarm_name = "Maximum Memory Utilization"
namespace = "AWS/ECS"
metric_name = "MemoryUtilization"
comparison_operator = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
statistic = "Maximum"
period = 60
threshold = 75
datapoints_to_alarm = 1
evaluation_periods = 1
treat_missing_data = "notBreaching"
unit = "Percent"
alarm_actions = [module.ecs_service_restarter.sns_topic.arn]
dimensions = {
ClusterName =
ServiceName =