AndroidTweaks provides an easy way of adjusting your Android app at runtime.
Currently we only support activating feature flags (booleans), but we would love to see pull requests where it is possible to adjust a lot more than that at runtime.
The TweakBoolean
constructor looks like this
TweakBoolean(String collectionName, String groupName, String tweakName, boolean defaultValue)
public static final TweakBoolean tweak = new TweakBoolean("Styling", "Theme", "Dark", false);
Just like SwiftTweaks every Tweak is assigned to a Collection > Group > Name
. This hierarchy makes it easy to navigate the different tweaks.
Add compile 'com.github.agensdev:AndroidTweaks:1.1.4'
to your application Gradle dependencies
Declare your flags in a place where you can reach it from anywhere in your application
public class MyTweaks {
public static final TweakBoolean darkTheme = new TweakBoolean("Styling", "Theme", "Dark", false);
public static final TweakBoolean hapticFeedback = new TweakBoolean("Feedback", "Vibration", "useHapticFeedback", true);
public static final List<Tweak> tweaks = new ArrayList<Tweak>() {{
TweakStore tweakStore = TweakStore.getInstance(this);
boolean useDarkTheme = TweakStore.getInstance(reactContext).getValue(MyTweaks.darkTheme)
tweakStore.bind(MyTweaks.darkTheme, new TweaksBindingBoolean() {
public void value(Boolean value) {
// do something here
Show the hidden tweak panel
All you need to do is show to the TweakStoreActivity
activity. How you do that is up to you. The way we do it in our apps is to show a notification each time the app gets active. That was the easy solution. SwiftTweaks uses shake gesture.
public class MyMainActivity extends Activity {
private TweakStore tweakStore;
private NotificationManager notificationManager;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
tweakStore = TweakStore.getInstance(this);
if (tweakStore.isEnabled()) {
protected void onStart() {
if (tweakStore.isEnabled()) {
protected void onStop() {
private void showNotification() {
NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this);
Intent intent = new Intent(this, TweakStoreActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(TWEAK_STORE_NAME, tweakStore.getTweakStoreName());
PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);
notificationBuilder.addAction(button_icon_from_resources, button_text_from_resources, pendingIntent);
notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
This will make all tweaks ignore any persisted value and just use the fallback value as declared in the tweaks constructors.
TweakStore tweakStore = TweakStore.getInstance(this);
Yep! Just pass a tweakName as an identifier, while creating TweakStore
TweakStore tweakStore = TweakStore.getInstance(this, tweakName);
and pass the name of a TweakStore to an intent
Intent intent = new Intent(this, TweakStoreActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(TWEAK_STORE_NAME, tweakStore.getTweakStoreName());
AndroidTweaks was inspired by the great SwiftTweaks which in turn was inspired by FBTweaks.
We were already using SwiftTweaks in our iOS apps and we needed something similar for Android. We tried too keep the architecture as close to SwiftTweaks as it was possible for Android in order to provide consistent approach for both platforms.
Your opinion is important to us. We would love to hear what you think about AndroidTweaks. Please let us know here if you have any ideas how to improve it. Much appreciated! We love pull requests 😍
AndroidTweaks is a first library from Blanka Kulik guided by Håvard Fossli and with a great help from Arild Jacobsen.