#[Share and gain] [Tunihack challenge V2]
###Idea generation:
###Node-Login is built on top of the following libraries :
- Node.js - Application Server
- Express.js - Node.js Web Framework
- MongoDb - Database Storage
- Jade - HTML Templating Engine
- Stylus - CSS Preprocessor
- EmailJS - Node.js > SMTP Server Middleware
- Moment.js - Lightweight Date Library
- Twitter Bootstrap - UI Component & Layout Library
- react - the view in MVC
- material UI - UI Components
##Installation & Setup
- install mongo and start the server : mongod
- install redis and start it (for session management) 3)npm install (to install the dependencies)
- node app.js (to start the node app)
##Contributing uncomment the webpackhotreloader delete the js files from app\public\js\gulp npm start after choosing the files in webpack