Amine Ghozlane ( (@xealf8)
- Introduction
- Process
- Installation
- Command line options
- SGE and SLURM deployments
- Results
- Dependencies
- Databases
- Test
- Bugs
- Citation
- Acknowledgements
The aim of this project is to provide an easy cluster interface to perform targeted metagenomic analysis. MASQUE allows :
- to analyse 16S/18S/23S/28S/ITS data. It builds a count matrix, an annotation table and a phylogeny of the OTU.
- to perform an "uptodate" analysis considering the scientific literature. Parameters have been already tested on numerous projects.
We follow the recommandation described by Robert C. Edgar in Uparse supplementary paper.
Shortly, the clustring process is performed in 4 main steps in MASQUE :
- Read quality control
- Dereplication
- Chimera filtering
- Clustering
- Realignment/mapping
- Taxonomical annotation of the OTU
- Quality check of every step
You can find more information in the presentation here. We try to describe the idea behind each step and a complete TP to do it on your own.
The easiest way to use MASQUE is the docker as following:
unzip -d /path/to/databases
docker run -i -t -v /path/to/fastq-data:/mydata -v /path/to/databases:/usr/local/bin/databases/ aghozlane/masque
Replace /path/to/fastq-data by a directory containing the reads and /path/to/databases by the directory containing the databases. Data are stored in /mydata. MASQUE program is directly accessible.
masque -i /mydata/ -o /mydata/result/
MASQUE comes with many binaries for Linux 64 bits. It will always use your existing installed versions if they exist, but will use the included ones if that fails. You can consult the list of dependencies later in this document. For the correct deployment by git, install first git-lfs.
sudo ./git-lfs-1.2.1/
git lfs install
Then, you can clone masque :
git clone
Only biom program need to be installed by the user :
pip install biom-format
Then, install the databases as follow :
masque -h
16S/18S: /bin/bash -i </path/to/input/directory/> -o </path/to/result/directory/>
23S/28S: /bin/bash -l -i </path/to/input/directory/> -o </path/to/result/directory/>
ITS: /bin/bash -f -i </path/to/input/directory/> -o </path/to/result/directory/>
Amplicon: /bin/bash -a <amplicon file> -o </path/to/result/directory/>
- All parameters:
-i Provide </path/to/input/directory/>
-a Provide <amplicon file>
-o Provide </path/to/result/directory/>
-n Indicate <project-name> (default: use the name of the input directory)
-t Number of <thread> (default all cpu will be used)
-c Contaminant filtering [danio,human,mouse,mosquito,phi] (Default: human,phi)
-s Perform OTU clustering with swarm
-b Perform taxonomical annotation with blast (Default vsearch)
-l Perform taxonomical annotation against LSU databases: Silva/RDP
-f Perform taxonomical annotation against ITS databases: Unite/Findley/Underhill/RDP
--minreadlength Minimum read length take in accound in the study (Default 35nt)
--minphred Qvalue must lie between [0-40] (Default minimum qvalue 20)
--minphredperc Minimum allowed percentage of correctly called nucleotides [0-100] (Default 80)
--NbMismatchMapping Maximum number of mismatch when mapping end-to-end against Human genome and Phi174 genome (Default 1 mismatch is accepted)
--maxoverlap Maximum overlap when paired reads are considered (Default 200 nt)
--minoverlap Minimum overlap when paired reads are considered (Default 50 nt)
--minampliconlength Minimum amplicon length (Default 64nt)
--minotusize Indicate minimum OTU size (Default 4)
--prefixdrep Perform prefix dereplication (Default full length dereplication)
--chimeraslayerfiltering Use ChimeraSlayer database for chimera filtering (Default : Perform a de novo chimera filtering)
--otudiffswarm Number of difference accepted in an OTU with swarm (Default 1)
--evalueTaxAnnot evalue threshold for taxonomical annotation with blast (Default evalue=1E-5)
--maxTargetSeqs Number of hit per OTU with blast (Default 1)
--identityThreshold Identity threshold for taxonomical annotation with vsearch (Default 0.75)
--conservedPosition Percentage of conserved position in the multiple alignment considered for phylogenetic tree (Default 0.8)
--accurateTree Accurate tree calculation with IQ-TREE instead of FastTree (Default FastTree)
Template scripts are provided for SGE and SLURM deployments :
For users from Institut Pasteur, please consider the README_PASTEUR.
In the output_dir, you will find after calculation :
File | Description |
project_stat_process.txt | Every step progress (during calculation : tail -f project-name_stat_process.txt, at the end : less project-name_stat_process.txt) |
project_annotation_process.tsv | Summary of the annotation process |
project_build_process.tsv | Summary of the otu-build process (Number reads, contaminants and OTU identified per samples...) |
project_otu.fasta | OTU centroid sequence in fasta format |
project_otu_table.tsv | Count table including the raw count obtained for each OTU and each sample |
project_vs_database_annotation_eval_val.tsv | OTU annotation performed by blast against the several databank |
project_database_eval_val.biom | Biom file including the count and the annotation |
project_vs_rdp.tsv | OTU annotation performed by rdp. |
project_otu_*_bmge.ali.treefile | OTU phylogeny generated for sequence annotated by the databases |
reads/*_fastqc.html | fastq quality after trimming/clipping |
The other files correspond to intermediate results.
- AlienTrimmer
Performs the trimming and clipping of the reads
Criscuolo, A., Brisse, S., AlienTrimmer: a tool to quickly and accurately trim off multiple short contaminant sequences from high-throughput sequencing reads., Genomics, 2013, 102(5), 500-506. - Biom
Combine count matrix and taxonomical annotation table
Daniel McDonald, et al., The Biological Observation Matrix (BIOM) format or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the ome-ome. GigaScience, 2012, 1:7. doi:10.1186/2047-217X-1-7 - Blastn
Performs the taxonomical annotation
Altschul, S.F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E.W. & Lipman, D.J. "Basic local alignment search tool." J. Mol. Biol., 1990, 215:403-410. - Bowtie2
Finds contaminants
Langmead B, Salzberg S0,. Fast gapped-read alignment with Bowtie 2. Nature Methods. 2012, 9:357-359. - BMGE
Select informative regions in multiple sequence alignments
Criscuolo, A., Gribaldo, S., BMGE (Block Mapping and Gathering with Entropy): a new software for selection of phylogenetic informative regions from multiple sequence alignments. BMC evolutionary biology, 2010, 10(1), 1. - Fastqc
Checks read quality.
Andrews S. (2010). FastQC: a quality control tool for high throughput sequence data. - Fasttree
Computes the phylogeny of OTU sequences (Default selection).
Price, M.N., Dehal, P.S., and Arkin, A.P., FastTree 2 -- Approximately Maximum-Likelihood Trees for Large Alignments. PLoS ONE, 2010, 5(3):e9490. - FLASH
Merges paired reads to get amplicons.
Magoc T. and Salzberg S.., FLASH: Fast length adjustment of short reads to improve genome assemblies. Bioinformatics 27:21, 2011, 2957-63. - IQTREE
Computes the phylogeny of OTU sequences. Nguyen, L. T., Schmidt, H. A., von Haeseler, A., & Minh, B. Q., Iq-tree: A fast and effective stochastic algorithm for estimating maximum-likelihood phylogenies. Molecular biology and evolution, 2015, 32(1), 268-274. - Mafft
Performs a multiple alignment of OTU sequences.
Katoh, Misawa, Kuma, Miyata, MAFFT: a novel method for rapid multiple sequence alignment based on fast Fourier transform. Nucleic Acids Res., 2002, 30:3059-3066. - rdp classifier
Performs taxonomical annotation for 16S, 18S, ITS.
Wang, Q, Garrity G.M., Tiedje J. M., and ColeJ. R., Naïve Bayesian Classifier for Rapid Assignment of rRNA Sequences into the New Bacterial Taxonomy. Appl Environ Microbiol., 2007, 73(16):5261-5267. - swarm
Performs OTU clustering.
Mahé F, Rognes T, Quince C, de Vargas C, Dunthorn M., Swarm v2: highly-scalable and high-resolution amplicon clustering. PeerJ, 2015. - vsearch
Performs OTU clustering (Default selection).
Rognes, T., Flouri, T., Nichols, B., Quince, C., & Mahé, F., VSEARCH: a versatile open source tool for metagenomics. PeerJ, 2016, 4, e2584.
MASQUE use several databases for taxonomical annotation and data filtering as follow :
Used for the taxonomical annotation of ITS sequences.
Findley, K., et al., Topographic diversity of fungal and bacterial communities in human skin. Nature, 2013, 498(7454), 367-370. - GREENGENES
Used for the taxonomical annotation of 16S, 18S sequences.
DeSantis, T. Z., et al. Greengenes, a chimera-checked 16S rRNA gene database and workbench compatible with ARB. Applied and environmental microbiology, 2006, 72(7), 5069-5072. - SILVA LSU, SSU
Used for the taxonomical annotation of 16S, 18S, 23S, 28S sequences.
Pruesse, E., et al., SILVA: a comprehensive online resource for quality checked and aligned ribosomal RNA sequence data compatible with ARB. Nucleic acids research, 2007, 35(21), 7188-7196. - UNDERHILL
Used for the taxonomical annotation of ITS sequences.
Tang J, Iliev I, Brown J, Underhill D and Funari V. Mycobiome: Approaches to Analysis of Intestinal Fungi. Journal of Immunological Methods, 2015, 421:112-21. - UNITE
Used for the taxonomical annotation of ITS sequences.
Abarenkov, K., et al., The UNITE database for molecular identification of fungi–recent updates and future perspectives. New Phytologist, 2010, 186(2), 281-285.
- AlienTrimmer
Adapters sequences provided by Illumina and Life technologies. - GOLD
ChimeraSlayer reference database used for chimera filtering (default mode use de novo filtering instead) - NCBI Anopheles stephensi, Danio rerio, Homo Sapiens, Mus Musculus, PhiX174
Used to search for host or manipulator contamination. Phi phage used for the sequencing.
Samples from the mock communities are available for testing [The NIH HMP Working Group, 2009].
Label | Community |
SRR053818 | even |
SRR072220 | even |
SRR072221 | even |
SRR072223 | staggered |
SRR072237 | staggered |
SRR072239 | staggered |
Mock communities are composed of 21 species mixed in even or staggered proportions :
You can run:
gunzip test/data/*.gz
/bin/bash ./ -i test/data -o test/result
The results can be visualized with SHAMAN and compared with the results obtained with the MOCK reference genome available in test/mock/.
All bug reports are highly appreciated. You may submit a bug report here on GitHub as an issue or send an email to
No papers about MASQUE alone is published for the moment, but you can cite the first publication that use this program:
- A bacteriocin from epidemic Listeria strains alters the host intestinal microbiota to favor infection. Quereda JJ, Dussurget O, Nahori MA, Ghozlane A, Volant S, Dillies MA, Regnault B, Kennedy S, Mondot S, Villoing B, Cossart P, Pizarro-Cerda J.; PNAS 2016. PUBMED.
Thanks to Emna Achouri - for tars support.