This project is part of mentorHub, an education platform for software development developed by the Agile Learning Institute.
This repository hosts the Topics API microservice. The API manages the following resources:
Topics, Resources, Skills, and Paths.
These and others are described in more detail on the database repository
For an overview of the available endpoints and responses, see The OpenAPI Spec
Create the venv and install dependencies
python -m venv .venv && ./.venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
Activate the venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
Build and install the tool
Note: This step is optional, instructions for running the dev tools if this step is skipped are included below
python -m build && pip install dist/*.whl
If you have built and installed the dev tools as directed above, the command api
will be present in your path when you activate the venv. Otherwise, you may run the script from the virtual environment like so
python src/apt/scripts/
You can also run it without activating the venv
./.venv/bin/python src/apt/scripts/
Building the container
api build
Start the container
api container
Test the container
api blackbox
Run the code locally
api start
Test the code locally
api stepci
Get a list of topics
curl localhost:8086/api/topic
Get a topic by id
curl localhost:8086/api/topic/aaaa00000000000000000002
Get a list of paths
curl localhost:8086/api/path
Get a path by id
curl localhost:8086/api/path/999900000000000000000000