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Coveralls Grails Plugin


The Coveralls Plugin allows you to send Grails code coverage report to Coveralls. Coveralls works with your continuous integration server to give you test coverage history and statistics.

It works pretty well with Travis CI and Travis Pro.

It adds the following Grails Gant scripts:

  • coveralls to send coverage report to Coveralls.


Declare the plugin dependency in the BuildConfig.groovvy file, as shown here:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
		inherits("global") { }
		log "info"
		repositories {
                //your repositories
        dependencies {
                // Latest httpcore and httpmime for Coveralls plugin
                build 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:4.3.2'
                build 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:4.3.2'
                build 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.3.3'
		plugins {
				// Coveralls plugin
				build(':coveralls:0.1.4', ':rest-client-builder:1.0.3') {
				    export = false
				test(':code-coverage:2.0.3-3') {
                    export = false


Create a account and add the GitHub repositories you want to monitor.

You can add your config in BuildConfig.groovy but it is not required, especially when running Travis CI. All parameters can be passed as arguments to coveralls Gant script.

grails {
    plugin {
        coveralls {
            // Cobertura XML coverage report path
            report = 'path/to/cobertura.xml' // if not defined, default to 'target/test-reports/cobertura/coverage.xml'
            // Coveralls repo token, not required for Travis CI public repo (required for Travis Pro with private repo or other CI).
            token = '...'
            // CI Service name (not required for Travis, automatically detected for 'travis-ci' and 'travis-pro')
            service = 'other'


Sending your coverage reports to Coveralls

Add this command to your build process (after testing and coverage report generation).

// For Travis CI and GitHub public repo or if all the settings are defined in your Config.groovy
grails coveralls
// Or
grails coveralls --token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN --report=target/test-reports/cobertura/coverage.xml

You can send git metadata (automatically detected) to your coveralls report git must be installed in your machine / build server

grails coveralls --token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN --gitSync

Example of Travis CI config file for a public repo hosted on GitHub:

// .travis.yml
language: groovy
jdk: oraclejdk7
  - ./grailsw refresh-dependencies
  - ./grailsw test-app -coverage -xml
  - ./grailsw coveralls

Example of Travis CI config file for a private repo hosted on GitHub:

// .travis.yml
language: groovy
jdk: oraclejdk7
  - COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN=your_coveralls_repo_token // Should be encrypted
  - ./grailsw refresh-dependencies
  - ./grailsw test-app -coverage -xml
  - ./grailsw coveralls --token=$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN

Configuring Coveralls

Source code is not stored or Coveralls, but you can access coverage detail for each files. In order to do that, you'll just need to update source root path settings on Coverrals to remove Travis local path (e.g.: /home/travis/build/github-username/github-project-name`).

Latest releases

  • 2016-08-22 V0.1.4 : Proxy Settings support thanks to Patricio PR
  • 2014-06-16 V0.1.3 : Grails version requirement downgraded to 2.1.*
  • 2014-05-26 V0.1.2 : Fix source directories detection
  • 2014-05-21 V0.1.1 : Plugin descriptor + README update
  • 2014-05-21 V0.1 : Initial release


To report any bug, please use the project Issues section on GitHub.


This is a port to Grails of Coveralls Gradle Plugin by Yoshiya Hinosawa.