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Agoric App Starter: Swaparoo

This is a simple app for the Agoric smart contract platform.

The contract lets you give a small amount of IST in exchange for a few NFTs that represent places in a hypothetical game.

The UI is a React app started with the vite react-ts template. On top of that, we add

Getting started: Deploy to Local Blockchain

Prerequisites: Agoric SDK, docker-compose.

Build the contract and a proposal to start it in the /ui directory:

yarn build:contract
yarn build:proposal

build:proposal ends with You can now run a governance submission command like and Remember to install bundles before submitting the proposal. You can do that once you've started the chain and connected a wallet.

Start local chain using docker-compose:

yarn start:docker
yarn docker:logs

The second command will consume this terminal to log the chain's behavior.

install bundles and run coreeval

We need some IST to pay for contract bundle installation. (We end up needing to run mint4k at least three times.)

yarn make:help
yarn docker:make balance-q
yarn docker:make mint4k
yarn docker:make balance-q

You can install the bundles using the cosgov tool: The tool has a few tabs. The first one to use is Install Bundle, which lets you install using drag-and-drop or a file picker. Add the bundles (They're in $HOME/.agoric/cache/) to the tool, then click on Sign & Submit. If it says you don't have sufficient funds, use the mint4k command above again.

Then choose the CoreEval Proposal tab of the cosgov tool. Drag or use a file picker to add each of contract/start-contract.js and contract/start-contract-permit.js (one at a time) into appropriate boxes, add a title and description, then hit Sign & Submit. A pop-up will appear and tell you the proposal number that was submitted. You then have 10 seconds to

Smart Wallet

Open For demos and debugging, you probably want to use the gear icon in the upper right to specify a local network. If you don't have a Keplr wallet configured, it's easiest to use the ones already configured for the docker environment. They are printed out by the docker:bash command below. Copy the 24 words for user1, and use them to initialize a new wallet in keplr. (add wallet, then Import an existing wallet)

Bring up the UI

Prerequisites: node, yarn

In the ui directory:

yarn dev

This will start up the dapp on a local port. Copy the URL into a browser to interact with it. This will also consume this terminal window, and monitor the dApp's code, so if the UI code changes, it will be updated.

Run a shell under Docker

To explore in the container where the node runs:

yarn docker:bash
agd query vstorage children published.priceFeed