this is the repository for exams generator project v 0.1 done using js technologies
- clone this project
git clone
- run your mongo db client and server
(if these commandes doesn't work try to navigate to your mongo db bin
3. run your node.js server
- run your web application on the server
This is an academic project that I'm working on it, This is a plateforme that let proffessors to manage theire tests and quizes easly The proffesor : can create his own tests, with different questions the student : can passe any tast, if he had the key (identifier of the test created by the proffessor) once the student passes and submits the responses, the plateforme shows the score and the proffesor can see responses he got and scores of theire studentes.
one of the goals of this project is to master javascripts technologies, suach as : node.js, express, mongo as database and others .. so in this project we're going to use only JS technologies.
Authentification : using Passport.js
Test : CRUD by a proffesor
Test : a proffesor can use an input to search for a test*
Question : Create and delete by a proffessor*
QuestionReponces : CRUD done (and fixed all related bugs)
User : add role to the model (adding role to distinguish roles : proffesor, student, admin)
QuestionInstance: route and the model
Mongoose :get ride of wrapped data made by mongoose in question index
Question : update a question
QuestionInstance: is the instance that will be generated for every student (randomly from the question schema)
QuestionInstance: now the student should be redirected to passe the exam.
Reponses: recieve reponses from the student and store them in the reponses object => detect the score.
Question types : adapte views to support both radio and check box.
Test search input : got to add an action to the search input ie. whene the proffesor clic on an result he got to be redirected to the test details page .
add more question types using to make it real time app admin dashboard