Simple utilities for analyzing tweet data.
Mostly lazy. Expect a generator unless it's a reduction of some sort.
Entities can be any of:
- hashtags
- user_mentions
- urls
- media
Or any combination of the above.
prepares tweets for entitiy analysis. It does the following:
- Throws away all information that isn't the entities.
- Removes duplicates.
- Considers the retweeted_status if a tweet is a retweet. It also removes deuplicates (thus, if tweet A is retweeted 20 times in the data, it is only included once here).
- Handles truncation, gets entities from extended_tweets.
from enzymes.entities import prep_tweets, entity_counts, entity_cooccurrence
# entities.prep_tweets prepares tweets for analyzing entities
dat = prep_tweets(dat)
# calling "list" brings everything into memory, necessary if
# using more than once
dat = list(dat)
Retrieve counts of each unique entity value, can also be used to get unique entity values:
entity_counts(['urls', 'hashtags'], dat)
# { maga: 2789, who: 93 }
Create a cooccurrence matrix (scipy.sparse.dok_matrix
) of the included entities.
# requires a vocab dictionary, which can be
# created from the `entity_counts`.
counts = entity_counts(['urls', 'hashtags'], dat)
terms = {k for k, v in counts.items() if v > 5}
vocab = {k:i for i,k in enumerate(terms)}
entity_cooccurrence(['urls', 'hashtags'], dat, vocab)
# <2318x2318 sparse matrix of type '<class 'numpy.float64'>'
# with 124336 stored elements in Dictionary Of Keys format>