The codeigniter4\authentication
component provides an API for authentication and
includes concrete authentication adapters for common use case scenarios.
- Inspired from
- Most inspired from auth by laravel
You should update the following dependencies in your application's composer.json file:
to ^2.0
Open class App\Entities\User
add interface and trait to implement.
namespace Fluent\Auth\Entities;
- use CodeIgniter\Entity;
+ use CodeIgniter\Entity\Entity;
use Fluent\Auth\Contracts\AuthenticatorInterface;
+ use Fluent\Auth\Contracts\AuthorizableInterface;
use Fluent\Auth\Contracts\HasAccessTokensInterface;
use Fluent\Auth\Contracts\ResetPasswordInterface;
use Fluent\Auth\Contracts\VerifyEmailInterface;
use Fluent\Auth\Facades\Hash;
use Fluent\Auth\Traits\AuthenticatableTrait;
use Fluent\Auth\Traits\AuthorizableTrait;
use Fluent\Auth\Traits\CanResetPasswordTrait;
use Fluent\Auth\Traits\HasAccessTokensTrait;
use Fluent\Auth\Traits\MustVerifyEmailTrait;
class User extends Entity implements
+ AuthorizableInterface,
use AuthenticatableTrait;
+ use AuthorizableTrait;
use CanResetPasswordTrait;
use HasAccessTokensTrait;
use MustVerifyEmailTrait;
Open App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider
namespace Fluent\Auth;
+ use Fluent\Auth\Facades\Gate;
use Fluent\Auth\AbstractServiceProvider;
class AuthServiceProvider extends AbstractServiceProvider
+ /**
+ * The policy mappings for the application.
+ *
+ * @var array<class-string, class-string>
+ */
+ protected static $policies = [];
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function register()
+ static::registerPolicies();
- JWT (JSON Web Token) - agungsugiarto/codeigniter4-authentication-jwt
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Contributions are very welcome.
Released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.