Sentiment Strength Detection in Bahasa Indonesia. This is unsupervised version of SentiStrength ( in Bahasa Indonesia. ##Core Feature:
- Sentiment Lookup
- Negation Word Lookup
- Booster Word Lookup
- Emoticon Lookup
- Idiom Lookup
- Question Word Lookup
- Slang Word Lookup
- Spelling Correction (optional) using Pater Norvig (
- Negative emotion ignored in question
- Exclamation marks count as +2
- Repeated Punctuation boosts sentiment
##Ignored Rule:
- repeated letters more than 2 boosts sentiment score. This rule do not applied due to my own pre-processing rule which removing word's extra character
- score +2, -2 in word "miss". Do not apply in Bahasa Indonesia.
#Warning! This is work in progress. Experimental for my Master Thesis