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PageVigil screenshots your webpages and stores the screenshots in S3.

How does it work?

A Lambda runs minutely to screenshot the pages stored in config.yml. It stores those screenshots in an S3 bucket.

The Lambda uses a container image. The image is a public image generated from this repository.
Unfortunately, Lambdas can only use images in private ECR repositories. Therefore, this creates a private ECR repo and copies the latest version to your private ECR repo.

Getting Started

All the Terraform required to set this up is in the terraform folder of this repository. All you need to do is update your local config.yml with your desired webpages. You must have both Terraform and Docker running the machine running the Terraform

  1. Clone or fork the repository
  2. Update config.yml with the list of webpages you want to follow
  3. Update terraform/terraform.tfvars with
    1. The email to be used for errors (errors_email)
    2. The frequency at which you want to screenshot the images (frequency)
  4. Plan and apply the Terraform