Provides the implementation for a reactive extensions event stream, allowing trending and analysis queries to be performed in real-time over the events pushed through the stream.
An event stream represents a logical flow of events which when pushed into the stream can be seen down stream by observers.
void Main()
var stream = EventStream.DefaultStream;
//ATM Machine
var withdraw = new CustomerWithdrew(
customerID: Guid.NewGuid(),
timestamp: DateTimeOffset.Now,
amount: 2000);
//Potential Fraud detector
var processingWindow = TimeSpan.FromDays(90);
from withdrawal in stream.OfType<CustomerWithdrew>()
group withdrawal by withdrawal.CustomerID into withdrawals
from window in withdrawals.Window(processingWindow)
from period in window.Scan(seed: new WithdrawalPeriod(customerID: withdrawals.Key),
accumulator: (period, withdrawal) => period.Add(withdrawal))
//These are atually two scenários and could have been instrumented sepearately
//And then combined
period.Frequency > 10
period.TotalAmount < 2000 && period.Interval < TimeSpan.FromDays(30)
period.Frequency < 50
period.Last.Amount >= 10000 && period.Interval < TimeSpan.FromDays(10)
select period
void SendReport(WithdrawalPeriod period)
/*REPORT back into the stream for others to handle, or to a service bus or via signalR*/
stream.Push(new FraudDetected(period.CustomerID)); //we could include the period info as well
public class Withdrawal
public Withdrawal(DateTimeOffset timestamp, decimal amount)
this.Timestamp = timestamp;
this.Amount = amount;
public DateTimeOffset Timestamp { get; }
public decimal Amount { get; }
Representation of a custormer withdrawal occurrence
public class CustomerWithdrew : Withdrawal
public CustomerWithdrew(Guid customerID, DateTimeOffset timestamp, decimal amount)
:base(timestamp, amount) =>
this.CustomerID = customerID;
public Guid CustomerID { get; }
Then we have an aggregate for keeping state
public class WithdrawalPeriod
public WithdrawalPeriod(Guid customerID) =>
this.CustomerID = customerID;
public Guid CustomerID { get; }
public Decimal TotalAmount { get; private set; }
public Withdrawal First { get; private set; }
public Withdrawal Last { get; private set; }
public long Count { get; private set; }
public double Frequency => Count / Interval.TotalDays;
public TimeSpan Interval => this.Last.Timestamp - this.First.Timestamp;
public WithdrawalPeriod Add(Withdrawal withdrawal)
this.Last = withdrawal;
this.TotalAmount += withdrawal.Amount;
if(this.First is null)
this.First = withdrawal;
return this;
The fraud detection event that can be used to trigger a detailed analysis somewhere else
public class FraudDetected
public FraudDetected(Guid customerID) =>
this.CustomerID = customerID;
public Guid CustomerID { get; }
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