This is the second project of course CS50's web programming using python and Javascript- 2018.
It is real time application which supports chatting inside private rooms and sending private messages to other users.
Each User must login using Unique username.
The project depends on Flask-SocketIO at server side & SocketIO JS library at client side.
My app has no DB, i save last 100 messages inside data structure variables.
The app is divided into 2 sections:
My app consists of 2 pages:
Home Page: which template at chat/templatesindex.html
styles at chat/static/style.css
JS script at chat/static/dist/script.JS
chat Page: at this page i depend on MVC pattern because code here was too messy.
This page was responsible of all communications between client side & server side; so i depend on webpack to pack JS code from all files inside chat/static/dist/bundle.js.
I used npm & package.json to install webpack. inside chat/static/src you will find the whole code of my chat page JS code where it is divided into:
- models: which have the code for connection with backend through AJAX or socket.
- views: to represent all changes after receiving data in models
- index.js: which is the controller that connects between models and views.
Each file inside models and views has name which represents its job inside my app; while base.js file which exists in chat/src/views has all variables that are not connected to specific section in our code but variables that will be used by more than one function like DOM variables.
Both models and views have socket folder, which has all manipulation or view functions that will run only inside websocket connection, to separate them from other functions.
The styling of chat page will be at chat/static/css/chat.css.
i depend on the same concept of (separation of concerns) at back-end too. so i turned my main chat into package which has 3 files:
- which has app variable that will run application and all common variables that will be used across the app.
- has all routes functions.
- has all socket functions.
if you are going to use this application locally, you need to re-configure it.
According to Flask-SocketIO DOCS; in case of development mode while you depend on flask web server, you need to modify how to run the app; by modifying code to be:
if __name__ == "__main__":
then run the app:
if you are going to upload it to web server, you need to follow DOCS of Flask-SocketIO according to server you are going to use.
My app uses gunicorn web server which is required by heroku platform.
Try not to run application on Mozila Firefox, because there is problem with headers that sent from socketIO to serverside which Mozila consider it as deprecated.