This is our implementation for the recsys 2019 paper:
Rashed, Ahmed, Josif Grabocka, and Lars Schmidt-Thieme. "Attribute-aware non-linear co-embeddings of graph features."13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys). 2019.
* pandas==1.0.3
* tensorflow==1.14.0
* matplotlib==3.1.3
* numpy==1.18.1
* six==1.14.0
* scikit_learn==0.23.1
- Uncomment the respective code of the dataset you want to reproduce the results for and run "python".
Preprint version :
Model | RMSE |
GraphRec (w/ Graph Feat.) | 0.904 |
GraphRec (w/ Graph Feat. & Users/Items Attributes) | 0.897 |