Estate Hub is a mern-stack real estate application. In this app users can create account, view the listings, filter or search the listings and add them to favorites if they like. Also they can create a listing and put their estate for sale or rent.
Live demo:
- Responsive UI
- Dark and Light Theme
- Infinite Scroll
- JWT Authentication
- Filter Listings
- Search for Location or Title
- Create and Edit Listing
- Notifications and Favorites
- Typescript - Main Language
- React - UI Library
- TailwindCSS - CSS Framework
- Zustand - State Management
- GraphQL - Query Language
- Nodejs - Backend
- Expressjs - Nodejs Framework
- MongoDB - NoSQL Database
- Mongoose - Database ODM
- React Icons - Icon Library
- Bcrypt - Encryption
- Cloudinary - Image Storage
First of all you need to clone the repository and install the dependencies for server and client
git clone
cd client
npm install
cd ..
cd server
npm install
After doing this you must assign the following environment variables
for client:
VITE_CLOUD_NAME - Cloudinary cloud name
VITE_UPLOAD_PRESET - Cloudinary upload preset
for server:
And run dev server for both
npm run dev