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Guidelines for ColonGPT

Figure 1: Details of our colonoscopy-specific multimodal language model, ColonGPT.

🤖 We provide a complete workflow of ColonGPT for advancing multimodal intelligence in colonoscopy, covering everything from model training and inference to performance evaluation.


😸 Quick start

We show a code snippet to show you how to quickly try-on our ColonGPT model with HuggingFace transformers quickly. For convenience, we manually combined some configuration and code files and merged the weights. Please note that this is a quick code, we recommend you installing ColonGPT's source code to explore more.

  • Before running the snippet, you only need to install the following minimium dependencies.
    conda create -n quickstart python=3.10
    conda activate quickstart
    pip install torch transformers accelerate pillow
  • Then you can use the command python script/quick_start/ to start. Next is the quick start code:
    import torch
    import transformers
    from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, StoppingCriteria
    from PIL import Image
    import warnings
    device = 'cuda'  # or cpu
    model_name = "ai4colonoscopy/ColonGPT"
    model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
        torch_dtype=torch.float16,  # or float32 for cpu
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
    class KeywordsStoppingCriteria(StoppingCriteria):
        def __init__(self, keyword, tokenizer, input_ids):
            self.keyword_id = tokenizer(keyword).input_ids
            self.tokenizer = tokenizer
            self.start_len = input_ids.shape[1]
        def __call__(self, input_ids: torch.LongTensor, scores: torch.FloatTensor, **kwargs) -> bool:
            for keyword_id in self.keyword_id:
                if keyword_id in input_ids[0, -len(self.keyword_id):]:
                    return True
            return False
    prompt = "Categorize the object."
    text = f"USER: <image>\n{prompt} ASSISTANT:"
    text_chunks = [tokenizer(chunk).input_ids for chunk in text.split('<image>')]
    input_ids = torch.tensor(text_chunks[0] + [-200] + text_chunks[1], dtype=torch.long).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
    image ='cache/examples/example2.png')
    image_tensor = model.process_images([image], model.config).to(dtype=model.dtype, device=device)
    stop_str = "<|endoftext|>"
    stopping_criteria = KeywordsStoppingCriteria(stop_str, tokenizer, input_ids)
    output_ids = model.generate(
    outputs = tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0, input_ids.shape[1]:]).replace("<|endoftext|>", "").strip()

🏁 Installation guide

Note: The current code has been fully tested on Linux systems with Ampere architecture GPUs (ie, RTX4090, A100, A5000, A6000, H200). While the following steps may work on macOS and Windows, we cannot guarantee successful configuration on those platforms at this time.

  • Prepare the CUDA Docker by NVIDIA. Ensure you have Singularity container installed. Alternatively, you can use Docker container with similar steps. Our suggested version way in server computers is:

    singularity pull docker://
  • Create a Conda environment within the Docker and activate it. Please modify -B /usr/bin/git:/usr/bin/git if needed.

    conda create -n colongpt python=3.10
    conda activate colongpt
    singularity run -B /usr/bin/git:/usr/bin/git --nv ./cache/cuda_11.8.0-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04.sif
  • Upgrade pip and install basic libraries:

    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install transformers
    pip install torch torchvision xformers --index-url
  • To install NVIDIA Apex for optimized speed with mixed precision training, you must compile the library manually. Do not use the prebuilt Apex library in PyTorch for this setup.

    pip install ninja
    git clone
    cd apex
    pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --config-settings "--build-option=--cpp_ext" --config-settings "--build-option=--cuda_ext" ./
    # if you get problem with something with "" and "Killed" 
    # reference:
    MAX_JOBS=1 NVCC_APPEND_FLAGS='--threads 1' pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --config-settings "--build-option=--cpp_ext" --config-settings "--build-option=--cuda_ext" ./
  • Install Dao-AILab/flash-attention, which provide a fast and memory-efficient exact attention for optimised training. From a notice from flash-attention, we currently only support the Ampere, Ada, or Hopper architecture GPUs (e.g., A100, RTX 3090, RTX 4090, H200). For the Turing GPUs (T4, RTX 2080) is coming soon, please use FlashAttention 1.x for Turing GPUs for now.

    pip install packaging
    pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation
  • Please clone our repository and install the above dependencies. If git cannot be used within the singularity/docker container, kindly exit the container environment and perform the operation outside.

    git clone
    cd IntelliScope
    pip install -e .
  • Prepare the pretrained weights. Whether you're planning to train or perform inference, you'll need to download the following two pretrained weights:

  • Prepare the data, for details, please refer to 🔗 docs/

  • Finally, please organize all files according to the following file tree.


🚅 Training

Please modify the following configurations to fit your needs:

  • Update LLM_PATH and VISION_MODEL to the paths of the language model and vision encoder, respectively.
  • Set DATA_PATH and IMAGE_FOLDER to the paths of ColonInst-train.json and ColonINST/Positive-images, respectively.
  • Set OUTPUT_FILE and OUTPUT_DIR to the name and path of trained weight, respectively.
  • ColonGPT is trained on two NVIDIA H200 GPUs with an equivalent batch size of 64. In other circumstances, you can adjust the batch size and other parameters accordingly. Ensure the global batch size remains consistent: global_batch_size=per_device_train_batch_size * gradient_accumulation_steps * num_gpus.
  • Congrats, you can now start training with bash script/train/stage1_tuning.slurm and bash script/train/stage2_tuning.slurm sequentially.:

STEP-I: Pre-alignment stage

  • Using image-caption pairs to pre-align LLM and visual encoder. Training script is as follows:

    # Please change the follow configs
    mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
    deepspeed colongpt/train/ \
        --deepspeed script/deepspeed_configs/zero3.json \
        --model_name_or_path $LLM_PATH \
        --model_type phi-1.5 \
        --version colongpt \
        --data_path $DATA_PATH \
        --image_folder $IMAGE_FOLDER \
        --vision_tower $VISION_MODEL \
        --mm_projector_type ppc_14_7_1 \
        --tune_mm_mlp_adapter True \
        --image_aspect_ratio pad \
        --bf16 True \
        --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
        --num_train_epochs 3 \
        --per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
        --per_device_eval_batch_size 4 \
        --gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
        --evaluation_strategy "no" \
        --save_strategy "steps" \
        --save_steps 3000 \
        --save_total_limit 1 \
        --learning_rate 2e-4 \
        --weight_decay 0. \
        --warmup_ratio 0.03 \
        --lr_scheduler_type "cosine" \
        --logging_steps 1 \
        --tf32 True \
        --model_max_length 2048 \
        --gradient_checkpointing True \
        --dataloader_num_workers 4 \
        --lazy_preprocess True \
        --report_to none | tee 2>&1 $OUTPUT_DIR/stdout-${OUTPUT_FILE}.txt

STEP-II: Supervised fine-tuning stage

  • Adapt ColonGPT to execute three colonoscopy-specific tasks. The stage 2 tuning script is as follows:
    # Please change the follow configs
    mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
    deepspeed colongpt/train/ \
        --lora_enable True --lora_r 128 --lora_alpha 256 \
        --deepspeed script/deepspeed_configs/zero3.json \
        --model_name_or_path $LLM_PATH \
        --model_type phi-1.5 \
        --version colongpt \
        --data_path $DATA_PATH \
        --image_folder $IMAGE_FOLDER \
        --vision_tower $VISION_MODEL \
        --pretrain_mm_mlp_adapter $BIN \
        --mm_projector_type ppc_14_7_1 \
        --mm_projector_lr 2e-3 \
        --image_aspect_ratio pad \
        --group_by_modality_length False \
        --bf16 True \
        --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR \
        --num_train_epochs 3 \
        --per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
        --per_device_eval_batch_size 4 \
        --gradient_accumulation_steps 2 \
        --evaluation_strategy "no" \
        --save_strategy "steps" \
        --save_steps 3000 \
        --save_total_limit 1 \
        --learning_rate 2e-4 \
        --weight_decay 0. \
        --warmup_ratio 0.03 \
        --lr_scheduler_type "cosine" \
        --logging_steps 1 \
        --tf32 True \
        --model_max_length 2048 \
        --gradient_checkpointing True \
        --dataloader_num_workers 4 \
        --lazy_preprocess True \
        --report_to none | tee 2>&1 $OUTPUT_DIR/stdout-${OUTPUT_FILE}.txt

💭 Inference instructions

We offer you guys three ways to infer ColonINST on different conversational tasks, ie, batch inference, CLI inference, and Gradio Web UI inference.

1️⃣ Batch Inference

We provide one-key inference code. If you use ColonINST or follow the same data organization format, you only need to modify a few configurations in script/infer_eval/infer_lora.slurm to perform inference.

  • Set EXP_MODEL_ID and LLM_PATHto the paths of the saved weights and language model, respectively.

  • Update IMAGE_FOLDER and JSON_FILE to the paths of the ColonINST/Positive-images and the file to be inferred, respectively.

  • Set INFER_MODE to test for inferring the test set, or to val for inferring the validation set.

  • Finally use bash script/infer_eval/infer_lora.slurm to start inference.

  • The inference script is as follows:

    INFER_MODE=test # or val
    mkdir -p $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred
    # used for CLS task
    nohup python -m colongpt.serve.infer \
        --model_path $EXP_MODEL_ID \
        --model_base $LLM_PATH \
        --model_type $MODEL_TYPE \
        --conv_mode colongpt \
        --image_dir $IMAGE_FOLDER \
        --json_file $JSON_FILE/${INFER_MODE}/ColonINST-${INFER_MODE}-cls.json\
        --output_path $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/${INFER_MODE}_pred_cls.json > $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/nohup-stdout-${INFER_MODE}-pred-cls.txt 2>&1 &
    # used for REG task
    nohup python -m colongpt.serve.infer \
        --model_path $EXP_MODEL_ID \
        --model_base $LLM_PATH \
        --model_type $MODEL_TYPE \
        --conv_mode colongpt \
        --image_dir $IMAGE_FOLDER \
        --json_file $JSON_FILE/${INFER_MODE}/ColonINST-${INFER_MODE}-reg.json \
        --output_path $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/${INFER_MODE}_pred_reg.json > $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/nohup-stdout-${INFER_MODE}-pred-reg.txt 2>&1 &
    # used for REC task
    nohup python -m colongpt.serve.infer \
        --model_path $EXP_MODEL_ID \
        --model_base $LLM_PATH \
        --model_type $MODEL_TYPE \
        --conv_mode colongpt \
        --image_dir $IMAGE_FOLDER \
        --json_file $JSON_FILE/${INFER_MODE}/ColonINST-${INFER_MODE}-rec.json \
        --output_path $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/${INFER_MODE}_pred_rec.json > $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/nohup-stdout-${INFER_MODE}-pred-rec.txt 2>&1 &
  • (Optional) Our stage-I model can be repurposed as captionb generator to generate descriptions on the given image. Use bash script/infer_eval/infer_cap.slurm for inference on image captioning tasks.

    INFER_MODE=test # or val test
    mkdir -p $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred
    nohup python -m colongpt.serve.infer \
        --max_new_tokens 512 \
        --model_path $EXP_MODEL_ID \
        --model_base $LLM_PATH \
        --model_type phi-1.5 \
        --conv_mode colongpt \
        --image_dir $IMAGE_FOLDER \
        --json_file $JSON_FILE/${INFER_MODE}/ColonINST-${INFER_MODE}-cap.json \
        --output_path $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/${INFER_MODE}_pred_cap.json > $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/nohup-stdout-${INFER_MODE}-pred-cap.txt 2>&1 &

2️⃣ CLI Inference

Chat about images using ColonGPT without the need of Gradio interface, please use the following command:

  • If you use LoRA tuning, the cli inference script is as follows:
  • Set EXP_MODEL_ID and LLM_PATHto the paths of the saved weights and language model, respectively.
  • Set IMAGE_FILE to the path of the image you want to infer.
  • Run bash script/infer_eval/infer_cli.slurm, then enter your instruction and the result will be printed on the screen.
    python colongpt/serve/ \
        --model-path $EXP_MODEL_ID \
        --model-base $LLM_PATH \
        --model-type phi-1.5 \
        --image-file $IMAGE_FILE

Here are some examples of clip inference:

  • Using CLI inference for image classifcation (CLS) CLS-cli

  • Using CLI inference for referring expression comprehension (REC) REC-cli

  • Using CLI inference for referring expression generation (REG) REG-cli

If you want to inference the image captioning task, run the following script:



python colongpt/serve/ \
    --model-path $EXP_MODEL_ID \
    --model-base $LLM_PATH \
    --model-type phi-1.5 \
    --image-file $IMAGE_FILE


3️⃣ Gradio Web UI

  • First, start the controller. This service orchestrates communication between the web server and model workers.

    python -m colongpt.serve.controller \
       --host \
       --port 10000
  • Then launching the gradio web server. To interact with the models through a web interface, start the Gradio web server.

    If you want to perform the image captioning task (CAP), use the following code:

    python -m colongpt.serve.gradio_web_server_stg1 \
       --controller http://localhost:10000 \
       --model-list-mode reload \

    If you want to perform the classification (CLS) task, referring expression generation (REG) task, or referring expression comprehension (REC) task, use the following code:

    python -m colongpt.serve.gradio_web_server_stg2 \
       --controller http://localhost:10000 \
       --model-list-mode reload \
  • Now, you can open the web interface with the URL printed on the screen.

  • Next, launching model workers. Model workers handle the processing of model inferences. Configure each worker with the appropriate model and start it.

  • Set EXP_MODEL_ID and LLM_PATHto the paths of the saved weights and language model, respectively.

    For the CAP task, set EXP_MODEL_ID to "ColonGPT-phi1.5-siglip-stg1",

    python -m colongpt.serve.model_worker \
    --host \
    --controller http://localhost:10000 \
    --port 40000 \
    --worker http://localhost:40000 \
    --model-path $EXP_MODEL_ID \
    --model-base $LLM_PATH \
    --model-type phi-1.5

    and for the other three tasks, set EXP_MODEL_ID to "ColonGPT-phi1.5-siglip-lora-stg2".

    python -m colongpt.serve.model_worker \
    --host \
    --controller http://localhost:10000 \
    --port 40000 \
    --worker http://localhost:40000 \
    --model-path $EXP_MODEL_ID \
    --model-base $LLM_PATH \
    --model-type phi-1.5
  • The launched Gradio Web UI looks like this, you can directly use the examples we provide or upload any images you need for inference.


  • (Optional) WebUI for image captioning function: webUi

💯 Multimodal benchmark

1️⃣ How to evaluate ColonGPT?

We set up three basic colonoscopy tasks for quantitative comparison. For the CLS and REG tasks, we adopt the accuracy metric to assess the ratio of correctly predicted categories to the total number of predictions. For the REC task, we use the intersection over union (IoU) metric to measure the localisation precision.

To perform the evaluation, Set EXP_MODEL_ID the paths of the saved weights and run bash script/infer_eval/eval.slurm. The evaluation results will be appended to the prediction file. In addition, if you want to evaluate the prediction results of the validation set, update EVAL_MODE to val. Evaluation script is as follows:



python script/multimodal_benchmark/ \
    --json_file $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/${EVAL_MODE}_pred_cls.json \
    --eval_task CLS \
    --eval_mode $EVAL_MODE
python script/multimodal_benchmark/ \
    --json_file $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/${EVAL_MODE}_pred_reg.json \
    --eval_task REG \
    --eval_mode $EVAL_MODE

python script/multimodal_benchmark/ \
    --json_file $EXP_MODEL_ID/pred/${EVAL_MODE}_pred_rec.json \
    --eval_task REC \
    --eval_mode $EVAL_MODE

2️⃣ Multimodal benchmark

We provide a benchmark for multimodal tasks in the colonoscopy domain, and refer to the Baseline section for an description of how to perform the evaluation. You can evaluate any model on your own or directly download our benchmark including their predictions and evaluation results for each competitor at the download link Google Drive.

  • We select eight recent MLMs with different configurations as competitors, including six general-purpose models and two designed for medical purposes. Consistent with ColonGPT, all competitors are retrained on the combined training and validation dialogues of ColonINST, following their original training recipes.

    comparison model Link
    MiniGPT-V2 MiniGPT-V2
    LLaVA-v1 LLaVA-v1
    LLaVA-v1.5 LLaVA-v1.5
    Bunny-v1.0-3B Bunny-v1.0-3B
    MGM-2B MGM-2B
    MobileVLM-1.7B MobileVLM-1.7B
    LLaVA-Med-v1.0 LLaVA-Med-v1.0
    LLaVA-Med-v1.5 LLaVA-Med-v1.5
  • Qualitative analysis. We compare the results on the seen samples from the validation set and the unseen samples from the testing set. The symbol indicates that a higher score corresponds to better performance.

    Figure 2: Multimodal benchmark on three downstream colonoscopy tasks.