New firmware/software for the SomBat musical weapon. Based on Raspi & SuperCollider.
- Raspi 3 or newer (RPI Zero with WiFi network at a later point)
- I2S DAC: Adafruit Audio Bonnet or compatible
- I2C ADC IC mcp3008 for digitizing key input, switches, a joystick & a pot.
- custom hand-soldered key interface with
- 5 pushbuttons,
- 1 switch,
- 1 2-axis joystick
- 1 Pot - Mod-Wheel which makes at least 1 more input than the 8 chan IC can digest -> R bridges for pairs of binary keys to be read by single ADC channel.
- Raspi image based on PiCore: lightweight, short boot time, RAM resident OS, may be switched off at any time
- autobooting jackd & headless sclang (SuperCollider language)
- auto-mounting any USB memory (fstab) and searching for two dirs with samples called "short" and "long".
- sclang autoloads everything else, including
- python script that reads the mcp3008 I2C ADC IC and converts it to OSC, sending data to localhost.