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A (subset of) ChocoPy-to-Wasm compiler written in Typescript for the browser. CSE231 SP22 assignment.

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Wathon: A Python-to-WebAssembly Compiler (cse231-pa3)

A (subset of) ChocoPy-to-Wasm compiler written in Typescript for the browser. Try it out here!


This was an assignment for UCSD's CSE231: Advanced Compiler Design, Spring 2022, taught by Joe Politz. It compiles a subset of ChocoPy (itself a small subset of the Python programming language) into WebAssembly, a portible compilation target that can be run within the browser. The main features are basic classes and functions on ints and bools. See the test suite for some example programs, and see the language specification to see the specific specification for this compiler.


It's accessible on Github Pages here, although you can also install and run it locally.

This repo uses the pnpm package manager. With pnpm installed:

  • clone the repository
  • run pnpm i to install the needed dependencies
  • run pnpm build-web to build the web interface in the build folder, or run pnpm build-cli to build a cli program in the cli folder.


Web Interface

It's accessible on Github Pages here!

To run it locally, run pnpm build-web to build the web interface. This will create a build folder containing an index.html file and the needed javascript. To access this, I'd recommend going into the build folder and running python -m http.server if you have python3 installed on your system. This will launch a local web server, and you can access the compiler at localhost:8000.

Command Line Interface

Warning The CLI interface wasn't tested very much - it should work, but I'd highly suggest the web interace.

Run pnpm build-cli to build a command line program. This will generate files in the cli folder. Once in the cli folder, you can run commands such as node node-main.js "1+1" to compile the program "1+1" and see the compiled program in console output.


Run pnpm test to run the test suite.

Assignment 3 Writeup

Due Friday, April 29th, at 11:59pm

In this PA, you will design and implement a compiler for classes in ChocoPy. You should not discuss your code and implementation with anyone.

You can:

  • Ask for clarifications of the specification (though most of our answers will be “check what ChocoPy does”)
  • Ask for help with PA2 code/implementation (from us or other students)
  • Ask for help/clarification on concepts from lecture handouts, readings, etc (with us or other students)
  • Use any code we've provided or code from class
  • Use online resources to help you understand WASM and Typescript
  • Start from code from a PA2 submission (whether you reviewed it or not). If you do this you agree to not share your code publicly, so that we aren't pressuring people from the class to make their code public. If you write all of your own code, you're welcome to publish it after the deadline (e.g. as part of something you might share for job interviews, etc). Credit code you use, and use your judgment – if you just learned a neat trick from code you saw, probably fine to use and share, but don't copy paste large blocks of code and make public.

re won't answer questions about your PA3 implementation, or help with debugging it (we will answer questions about the specification, just not help with your code). The purpose of this PA is to evaluate how well you learned material from the first half of the course; you might learn a lot from it, but there should be no new or surprising material. So this is one of few truly individual assessments in this course. j

Language Specification

You'll be implementing the following subset of ChocoPy:

program := <var_def | class_def>* <stmt>*
class_def := class <name>(object):
                  <var_def | method_def>+
var_def := <typed_var> = <literal>
typed_var := <name> : <type>
method_def := def <name>(self: <type> [, <typed_var>]*) [-> <type>]?: <method_body>
method_body := <var_def>* <stmt>+
stmt := <name> = <expr>
      | <expr>.<name> = <expr>
      | if <expr>: <stmt>+ else: <stmt>+
      | return <expr>?
      | <expr>
      | pass
expr := <literal>
      | <name>
      | <uniop> <expr>
      | <expr> <binop> <expr>
      | ( <expr> )
      | print(<expr>)
      | <name>()
      | <expr>.<name>
      | <expr>.<name>([<expr> [, <expr>]*]?)
uniop := not | -
binop := + | - | * | // | % | == | != | <= | >= | < | > | is
literal := None
         | True
         | False
         | <number>
type := int | bool | <name>
number := 32-bit integer literals
name := Python identifiers other than `print` or keywords

We will explicitly exclude inheritance from the subset we implement. We also limit the subset beyond the limitations in PA2:

  • There are no function definitions (but there are method definitions, which are quite similar)
  • If-else statements always have a then branch and an else branch, with no elif
  • There are no while loops
  • As with PA2, there are no lists, strings, for loops, nested functions, or global/nonlocal declarations

The behavior of a program in the subset described above is specified to be the behavior of ChocoPy on that program. Programs outside the subset of the grammar defined can have any behavior, so if you have a compiler you want to start from that implements more of PA2, feel free, and in particular you don't have to report parse errors for programs outside this grammar (we prefer it if you have some sensible parse errors, but it's too hard to specify what “sensible” means there, so we leave it open).

Note that by “behavior” we mean both the static and dynamic behavior. So if ChocoPy fails to compile a program with a type error, your compiler should as well. Error messages don't need to match ChocoPy exactly, but should use the same important keywords in the same cases so that it's recognizably close.


To automatically test your compiler, we will need your implementation to respect the requirements at

The testing strategy in that repository will be used in the autograder to test your implementation for this PA. For reference, run should compile and evaluate a given program, and we'll rely on the output of print to test its behavior. typeCheck should type-check a given program and return the type of the last statement in the body of the program.

Make sure you're able to npm test locally before uploading to the autograder.

Recommendations, Starting Points, and Resources

There is no official starter code for the project; feel free to use any of the resources outlined above or provided from class to start.

You are also free to use the internet, books, other course resources, and any programming tools. The only constraint is that you can't have communication with others (inside or outside the class) to help complete your implementation.

If you were unhappy with your PA2, it's not a bad idea to either start from a compiler you think is pretty good, or just start from scratch. You might be surprised how much you've learned and how much progress you can make starting from a blank slate for PA3, and how much you have to modify a PA2 implementation to get to PA3.

Grading and Handin

A number of automated tests will be run on your compiler in order to assess it. We will run a more extensive set of tests that we do not share that will also be a part of your grade.

You will submit your code to Gradescope (available on Friday), and you should see immediate feedback on which tests you passed and failed from the subset we've shared.


A (subset of) ChocoPy-to-Wasm compiler written in Typescript for the browser. CSE231 SP22 assignment.




