Implements algorithms for computing serialisation sequences for argumentation frameworks.
Supports i23 format for abstract argumentation frameworks.
This solver works with CaDiCal (version 1.9.5) The relevant source files are included and the solver can easily be built as follows
make cadical
To compile the solver use
The binary can be found under build/bin/serial-solver
./serial-solver -p <task> -f <file> -fo <format>
<task> computational problem
<file> input argumentation framework
<format> file format for input AF
--help Displays this help message.
--version Prints version and author information.
--formats Prints available file formats.
--problems Prints available computational problems.
Example usage:
To enumerate the preferred serialisation sequences, use
./serial-solver -p ES-PR -fo tgf -f <file in TGF format>