This programs uses MIPS assembly language to simulate an Etch A Sketch.
The program has color blend functionality where it isolates the RGB values and computes the average of both colors.
# Bitmap display settings:
# Unit width in pixels: 8
# Unit Height in pixels: 8
# Display Width in pixels: 512
# Display Height in pixels: 512
# Base address 0x10040000 (heap)
#connect "Bitmap Display" to MIPS
#connect "keyboard and display MMIO Simulator" to MIPS
# w: move up
# a: move left
# s: move down
# d: move right
# q: move up left
# e: move up right
# z: move down left
# c: move down right
# r: change red gradient
# g: change green gradient
# b: change blue gradient
# x: delete the color
# 0: Exits program