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Minimal implementation of graph attention student model architecture

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Architecture Overview

πŸ‘©β€πŸ« MEGAN: Multi Explanation Graph Attention Student

Abstract. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods are expected to improve trust during human-AI interactions, provide tools for model analysis and extend human understanding of complex problems. Attention-based models are an important subclass of XAI methods, partly due to their full differentiability and the potential to improve explanations by means of explanation-supervised training. We propose the novel multi-explanation graph attention network (MEGAN). Our graph regression and classification model features multiple explanation channels, which can be chosen independently of the task specifications. We first validate our model on a synthetic graph regression dataset, where our model produces single-channel explanations with quality similar to GNNExplainer. Furthermore, we demonstrate the advantages of multi-channel explanations on one synthetic and two real-world datasets: The prediction of water solubility of molecular graphs and sentiment classification of movie reviews. We find that our model produces explanations consistent with human intuition, opening the way to learning from our model in less well-understood tasks.

πŸ”” News

πŸ“¦ Package Dependencies

  • The package is designed to run in an environment 3.10 <= python <= 3.11.
  • A graphics card with CUDA support (cuDNN) is recommended for model training.
  • A Linux operating system is recommended for development. Development on Windows works, but isn't actively tested and might run into additional issues during project setup.

πŸ“¦ Installation from Source

Clone the repository from github:

git clone

Due to a problem with the torch-scatter package, the torch package has to be installed first.

pip install torch==2.1.2

Then in the main folder run a pip install:

cd graph_attention_student
pip install -e .

⚠️ Warning For Windows Users

The required library cairosvg is known to cause problems on Windows systems. If you are on Windows, there might be additional steps required to properly install the project dependencies.

See this issue for additional information.

πŸ“¦ Installation by Package

The package is also published as a library on PyPi and can be installed like this:

pip install torch==2.1.2
pip install graph_attention_student

πŸ“¦ CPU-only Installation

Sometimes one needs to install the package for a CPU-only environment. This could be because the CUDA toolkit is not installed on the machine or because the machine does not have a GPU at all. In this case, the package can be installed with the following commands that require the manual installation of the torch related libraries before installing the main package.

pip install torch==2.2.0+cpu --index-url
pip install torch-scatter -f
pip install torch-geometric>=2.4.0 -f
pip install graph_attention_student

πŸš€ Quickstart

This package provides some functionality to load a pre-trained MEGAN model from the disk. The following code will illustrate this for the example of predicting a molecular graph's water solubility using the default MEGAN model that is included in the package for this task.

import os
import typing as t

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras as ks
from visual_graph_datasets.util import dynamic_import
from graph_attention_student.utils import ASSETS_PATH
from graph_attention_student.models import load_model

# We want to predict the water solubility for the molecule represented as this SMILES code

# Loading the model
model_path = os.path.join(ASSETS_PATH, 'models', 'aqsoldb')
model = load_model(model_path)

# For the inference we have to convert the SMILES string into the proper molecular graph
module = dynamic_import(os.path.join(model_path, ''))
processing = module.processing
graph = processing.process(SMILES)

# THe model outputs the node and edge explanation masks directly alongside the main target value prediction
out_pred, ni_pred, ei_pred = model.predict_graphs([graph])[0]
print(f'Solubility: {out_pred[0]:.2f}')

πŸ€– Training a Custom MEGAN Model

If you are interested in training a custom MEGAN model for your own graph dataset, then you can do that as well. The easiest way to do this generally consists of the following two steps:

  1. Convert your custom dataset into the `visual graph dataset`_ (VGD) format.
  2. Create a new sub-experiment module which then uses that VGD to train the model for you.

Converting the Dataset

The existing MEGAN training implementations are based on the `visual graph dataset`_ (VGD) format. In this format a dataset of graph elements is given as a folder that represents each element as one JSON file containing all the canonical graph structure, and a PNG file showing the canonical graph visualization. You can learn more about the VGD format in this repository:

The VGD repository offers convenient pre-defined methods to directly convert datasets from various application domains. Perhaps most notably, there is the option to directly convert a dataset of molecular graphs given as a CSV of SMILES codes into the VGD format. For further details regarding this please refer to the following documentation:

Sub Experiment for Training

All of the computational experiments in this repository are implemented with the PyComex microframework. This framework enforces a common structure to all the experiment modules, but offers some convenient features in return. One of those features is experiment inheritance which allows to define a sub-experiment in a similar way in which sub-classes are created in object oriented programming. These sub-experiments inherit the majority of the of the code from the base experiment but are able to modify the experiment parameters and inject custom code via a hook system. You can learn more about the PyComex framework in general here:

To train a custom MEGAN model it is advised to extend on the base experiment, which uses the most recent version of the MEGAN model. In this module, it is only necessary to customize the values of the global experiment parameters, after which the module can be executed to start the model training process.

"""new file:"""
import os
import typing as t

import tensorflow as tf
from pycomex.functional.experiment import Experiment
from pycomex.utils import file_namespace, folder_path

from graph_attention_student.utils import EXPERIMENTS_PATH


# Fill in the path to your dataset here
VISUAL_GRAPH_DATASET_PATH: str = '../path/to/your/vgd'
# The type of dataset it is
DATASET_TYPE: str = 'regression'  # or 'classification'
# The number of target labels that the dataset has
NUM_TARGETS: int = 1
# the ratio of the dataset to be used for training (rest is test set)
TRAIN_RATIO: float = 0.8
# The number of randomly chosen example elements from the test set to be
# plotting the explanations for.
NUM_EXAMPLES: int = 100

NODE_IMPORTANCES_KEY: t.Optional[str] = None  # dont modify
EDGE_IMPORTANCES_KEY: t.Optional[str] = None  # dont modify

# the numbers of hidden units in the gnn layers
UNITS = [32, 32, 32]
# the number of units in the projection layers
# the number of units in the final prediction mlp layers
# Choose the correct activation for regression(linear) vs classification(softmax)
FINAL_ACTIVATION: str = 'linear'
# Configure the training process
BATCH_SIZE: int = 32
EPOCHS: int = 10
DEVICE: str = 'cpu:0'

# The number of distinct explanations to be created
# the weight of the explanation training loss
# the weight of the fidelity training loss
FIDELITY_FACTOR: float = 0.1
# the weight of the sparsity training loss
SPARSITY_FACTOR: float = 1.0
# the fidelity functionals
    lambda org, mod: tf.nn.relu(mod - org),
    lambda org, mod: tf.nn.relu(org - mod),
# Choose "None" in case of classification


__DEBUG__ = False
__TESTING__ = False
experiment = Experiment.extend(
    os.path.join(EXPERIMENTS_PATH, ''),


Configuring the MEGAN model. Much of the configuration that has to be done for the training process is similar to "normal" neural network configuration, such as the choice of each layers hidden units, the final activation function, the training batch size and epochs etc. It is generally recommended to leave these parameters at their default values at first and only adjust them when a problem becomes apparent such as a clear over- or under-fitting.

Aside from the normal parameters, notably some configuration is also necessary for the explanation aspect of the model. These parameters have only marginal impact on the final precition performance of the model but will determine how usable the resulting explanations will be. Some of these parameters will be discussed there briefly, but to get a better understanding of the purpose of these parameters it is recommended to read the paper

  • Number or importance channels. One of MEGAN's distinct features is that the number of explanations that is generated for each prediction is a hyperparameter IMPORTANCE_CHANNELS of the model instead of depending on the task specifications. However, to properly make use of the explanations the following restrictions currently apply: For a classification problem choose IMPORTANCE_CHANNELS same as the number of possible output classes. For regression tasks, currently only single-value regression problems are supported, in which case choose IMPORTANCE_CHANNELS = 2. In this case, the first channel (index 0) will represent the negatively influencing structures and the second channel (index 1) will represent the positively influencing structures.
  • Regression Reference. One particularly important parameter for regression tasks is REGRESSION_REFERENCE. This value determines which kinds of target values are even considered "negative" vs "positive". Therefore this parameter strongly influences how the explanations will turn out. A good starting point for this parameter is to choose it as the average value over the target labels of the given dataset. Depending on how the explanations turn out, it may have to be adjusted afterwards.
  • Loss Weights. During training, a MEGAN model is subject to various different loss terms whose weights can be set using the parameters IMPORTANCE_FACTOR, FIDELITY_FACTOR and SPARSITY_FACTOR. It is generally recommended to leave them at their default value, but depending on the circumstances it might be necessary to adjust them.

πŸ” Examples

The following examples show some of the cherry picked examples that show the explanatory capabilities of the model.

RB-Motifs Dataset

This is a synthetic dataset, which basically consists of randomly generated graphs with nodes of different colors. Some of the graphs contain special sub-graph motifs, which are either blue-heavy or red-heavy structures. The blue-heavy sub-graphs contribute a certain negative value to the overall value of the graph, while red-heavy structures contain a certain positive value.

This way, every graph has a certain value associated with it, which is between -3 and 3. The network was trained to predict this value for each graph.

Rb-Motifs Example

The examples shows from left to right: (1) The ground truth explanations, (2) a baseline MEGAN model trained only on the prediction task, (3) explanation-supervised MEGAN model and (4) GNNExplainer explanations for a basic GCN network. While the baseline MEGAN and GNNExplainer focus only on one of the ground truth motifs, the explanation-supervised MEGAN model correctly finds both.

Water Solubility Dataset

This is the AqSolDB dataset, which consists of ~10000 molecules and measured values for the solubility in water (logS value).

The network was trained to predict the solubility value for each molecule.

Solubility Example.png

Movie Reviews

Originally the MovieReviews dataset is a natural language processing dataset from the ERASER benchmark. The task is to classify the sentiment of ~2000 movie reviews collected from the IMDB database into the classes "positive" and "negative". This dataset was converted into a graph dataset by considering all words as nodes of a graph and then connecting adjacent words by undirected edges with a sliding window of size 2. Words were converted into numeric feature vectors by using a pre-trained GLOVE model.

Example for a positive review:

Positive Movie Review

Example for a negative review:

Negative Movie Review

Examples show the explanation channel for the "negative" class left and the "positive" class right. Sentences with negative / positive adjectives are appropriately attributed to the corresponding channels.

πŸ“– Referencing

If you use, extend or otherwise mention or work, please cite the paper as follows:

    title={MEGAN: Multi-Explanation Graph Attention Network},
    author={Teufel, Jonas and Torresi, Luca and Reiser, Patrick and Friederich, Pascal},
    journal={xAI 2023},


  • PyComex is a micro framework which simplifies the setup, processing and management of computational experiments. It is also used to auto-generate the command line interface that can be used to interact with these experiments.
  • VisualGraphDataset is a library which aims to establish a special dataset format specifically for graph XAI applications with the aim of streamlining the visualization of graph explanations and to make them more comparable by packaging canonical graph visualizations directly with the dataset.
  • KGCNN Is a library for the creation of graph neural networks based on the RaggedTensor feature of the Tensorflow/Keras machine learning framework.


Minimal implementation of graph attention student model architecture






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