- minSdkVersion 14+ (Android 4.0 or above)
- compileSdkVersion 23
SDK requires the following permissions:
Those permissions are included in SDK’s manifest (there is no need to include it into the application’s manifest)
- Download and extract module project.
- Add module to your project by selecting File -> New -> Import module.
- Select the directory where you’ve just extracted the source code and confirm.
- On you project name right click -> Open module settings -> Dependencies tab -> select (+) icon -> Module dependency -> select aimbrain.
- Choose Select Project with Gradle Files.
In order to integrate aimbrain SDK it is necessary to set up application name in
project’s AndroidManifest.xml
If no Application
class extensions are needed, use com.aimbrain.sdk.AMBNApplication.AMBNApplication
otherwise use your extension's name.
<application android:name=“com.aimbrain.sdk.AMBNApplication.AMBNApplication”>
In order to communicate with the server, the application identifier and secret need to be
passed with each request. Relevant configuration parameters should be passed to the SDK
with use of Manager
’s configure
Manager.getInstance().configure("AIMBRAIN_API_KEY", "AIMBRAIN_API_SECRET");
SDK has configurable logging level. To change logging level change Logger
class field to :
import com.aimbrain.sdk.util.Logger;
Logger.LEVEL = Logger.VERBOSE;
Available log levels (in increasing verbosity order) Logger.ERROR
, Logger.WARN
, Logger.INFO
, Logger.DEBUG
, Logger.VERBOSE
AimBrain SDK can be used in two modes, by sending data to AimBrain API directly or by serialising requests and submitting the data via server side integration.
To serialise requests Manager
must have configured session. For serialisation a
configuration with session id value can be used.
Manager.getInstance().configure("SESSION ID");
Methods with prefix getSerialized...
can be called to retrieve serialized request
data once session is set .
All serialisation calls return SerializedRequest
object. The request data can be
accessed via SerializedRequest
method getRequestJSON()
Please refer to server side integration documentation for serialised data processing details.
#Request metadata
For some integration scenarios additional data may be required to be sent to server.
Such integration-defined information should be submitted by calling function overload with
parameter metadata
Integration-defined information is returned from server in response field metadata
In order to communicate with the server, a session must be established. Assuming the
appropriate configuration parameters were passed to the instance of the Manager
a session can be established as shown in example.
Manager.getInstance().createSession("userId", new SessionCallback() {
public void onSessionCreated(SessionModel session) {
// Implement method called after the session has been created
SessionModel returned contains the following parameters:
- sessionId - string containing session id for use with other API requests to maintain session semantics.
- faceStatus - status of the Facial Module for given user (see below).
- behaviourStatus - status of the Facial Module for given user and device pair (see below).
Values possible for faceStatus field:
- 0 - User not enrolled - facial authentication not available, enrollment required.
- 1 - User enrolled - facial authentication available
- 2 - Building template - enrollment done, AimBrain is building user template and no further action is required.
Values possible for behaviourStatus field:
- 0 - User not enrolled - behavioural authentication not available, enrollment required.

- 1 - User enrolled - behavioural authentication available.
The SessionModel object returned on successful session creation is stored within inner object of the Manager - there is no need to store this object in a separate variable. The created session will be used for communicating with server until the creation of another session.
To get serialised new session request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedCreateSession(userId, metadata, context)
Data collection must be started manually, using startCollectingData
method of the
class instance. Window
object that is currently displayed on top needs to be
passed as parameter. Example of starting data collection on Activity
creation has been
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
If data needs to be collected since the application creation, extend AMBNApplication
class as shown in the example.
public class MyApplication extends AMBNApplication {
public void onCreate() {
Remember to set up appropriate application name in project’s AndroidManifest.xml
<application android:name=“com.my.package.MyApplication”>
Calling startCollectingData
with null
as a parameter results in starting data
collection on the next activity start event.
Data collection can be limited, using setMemoryUsageLimitInKilobytes
method of the
class instance. Set unlimited memory usage with Memory.MEMORY_USAGE_UNLIMITED
param. Default data collection is unlimited.
The process of collecting the data requires the Manager
instance object to be notified
about the changing of the top Window
object. Window changes associated with the changing
of the top Activity are handled automatically, however you have to manually notify
instance about any other window creation. For example, when a Dialog
is created, the Manager
instance object needs to be notified in the manner shown in the
example code.
// Called in Activity’s method
final AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
AlertDialog dialog = builder.show();
// Notify Manager about changing top Window object
Data collection is started when the application is created, however it is the programmer’s responsibility to take care of sending it to the server. The SDK has the following methods for this task.
After creating a session, we can send data gathered for analysis to the server. To do so,
call submitCollectedData
method of the Manager’s class instance.
Manager.getInstance().submitCollectedData(new ScoreCallback() {
public void success(ScoreModel scoreModel) {
// Implement method called after receiving
// a response from the server with the current score
Server responses for data submission contain the current behavioural score. The
object contains the status (1 for learning, 0 for learned) and the current
score as a double.
Object of the Manager
class allows for easy scheduling of data submission with the use
of scheduleDataSubmission
method. The method may be called with the following parameters:
- delay before the first submission in milliseconds
- period between data submissions in milliseconds
- callback for receiving responses with the current score from the server (optional)
Manager.getInstance().scheduleDataSubmission(0, 10000, new ScoreCallback() {
public void success(ScoreModel scoreModel) {
// Implement method called after successful data submission
To get serialised data submit request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedSubmitCollectedData(metadata)
There is an option to get the current score from the server without sending any data.
To do so use the getCurrentScore
method of the Manager
class instance.
Manager.getInstance().getCurrentScore(new ScoreCallback() {
public void success(ScoreModel scoreModel) {
// Implement method called after receiving
// response from the server with the current score
To get serialised data score request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedGetCurrentScore(metadata)
In order to disable collecting data from specific views it is necessary to create a
object with a Set
of these views. Then this PrivacyGuard
object has
to be added to the Manager
EditText editTextToIgnore = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.editText);
HashSet<View> setWithIgnoredViews = new HashSet<>();
PrivacyGuard privacyGuard = new PrivacyGuard(setWithIgnoredViews);
For ignoring all views in the application a true
value has to be passed as the first
parameter in the PrivacyGuard
PrivacyGuard privacyGuard = new PrivacyGuard(true);
Capturing can be re-enabled by calling removePrivacyGuard
method in the Manager instance.
In some cases it is preferable to only obfuscate the element that is being interacted with while still getting most of the behavioural data (for example in a pin code with a custom keyboard). In this case, views should be added to the SensitiveViewGuard. All of the child views will also be considered as sensitive.
// All of the elements on the Window will be considered as sensitive
When the view is marked as sensitive, it's id is salted (with the salt stored localy) and hashed before sending and the global touch x and y coordinates are set to 0.
Collected data contains the touched view's path consisting of view identifiers, starting from the touched view up to the root view. All views with no identifiers defined are ignored while building this path.
SDK allows for defining and customising view identifiers. If no identifier has been defined for a view (for example, in the layout xml file), the view identifier may be set as shown in the example.
The use of ViewIdMapper
class does not change actual identifiers - it only adds mappings
used by the SDK.
ViewIdMapper.getInstance().putViewId(view, "myView");
In order to take picture of the user's face the PhotoFaceCaptureActivity
has to be
started. The resulting images can be obtained in onActivtyResult
if the resultCode
. The images are stored in the static field PhotoFaceCaptureActivity.images
When starting activity, three string extras may be passed: upperText - text displayed
above face placeholder, lowerText - text displayed below face placeholder, recordingHint -
text displayed below face placeholder, that replaces lowerText after clicking camera
button. Each of the extras may be omitted - no text will be displayed in destined place.
Remember to add PhotoFaceCaptureActivity
to your application's manifest file.
<activity android:name="com.aimbrain.sdk.faceCapture.PhotoFaceCaptureActivity"/>
Intent intent = new Intent(this, PhotoFaceCaptureActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("upperText", upperText);
intent.putExtra("lowerText", lowerText);
intent.putExtra("recordingHint", recordingHint);
startActivityForResult(intent, photoRequestCode);
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if(requestCode == photoRequestCode && resultCode == RESULT_OK){
this.images = PhotoFaceCaptureActivity.images;
In order to record video containing user's face VideoFaceCaptureActivity
has to be
started. The result can be obtained in onActivtyResult
if result code is RESULT_OK
using static field: VideoFaceCaptureActivity.video
When starting activity, the following extras can be used to customize activity:
- text displayed above face placeholder.VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_LOWER_TEXT
- text displayed below face placeholder.VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_DURATION_MILLIS
- recorded video duration.VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_RECORDING_HINT
- text displayed below face placeholder, that replaces lowerText after clicking camera button.
These extras are optional and may be omitted - no text will be displayed in destined place.
Remember to add VideoFaceCaptureActivity
to your application's manifest file.
<activity android:name="com.aimbrain.sdk.faceCapture.VideoFaceCaptureActivity"/>
Starting capture activity:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, VideoFaceCaptureActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_UPPER_TEXT, upperText);
intent.putExtra(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_LOWER_TEXT, lowerText);
intent.putExtra(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_DURATION_MILLIS, 2000);
intent.putExtra(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_RECORDING_HINT, recordingHint);
startActivityForResult(intent, videoRequestCode);
Using recorded result:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if(requestCode == videoRequestCode && resultCode == RESULT_OK){
this.video = VideoFaceCaptureActivity.video;
In order to enroll or authenticate via face module using face token you have to record user voice in user face video and submit it to the API. Face recording must contain user reading text retrieved with getFaceToken
The token text is retrieved with getFaceToken
method. The parameter type of this method
specifies use case for retrieved text.
Text to be presented to the user is returned by the result method getToken()
Manager.getInstance().getFaceToken(FaceTokenType.AUTH, new FaceTokenCallback() {
public void success(FaceTokenModel tokenModel) {
String token = tokenModel.getToken();
// use token, e.g. present video recording activity with token
To record user reading the token use face capture activity with audio recording enabled. Recorded videos can be used in sendProvidedFaceCapturesToAuthenticate
and sendProvidedFaceCapturesToEnroll
to authenticate or enroll.
Face token retrieval method getFaceToken
takes mandatory type
All possible type values are defined in the enum FaceTokenType
- Token with type
is used for authentication calls. - Tokens with types
are used for enrollment.
To complete enrollment face tokens must be retrieved with each FaceTokenType
value used for enrollment (ENROLLN
). Each face token must be presented to the user, recorded and enrolled successfully.
To get serialised face token request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedFaceToken(FaceTokenType.AUTH, metadata)
For face token enrollment and authentication audio needs to be recorded. To record video with audio included pass VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_RECORDING_TOKEN_HINT
instead of VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_RECORDING_HINT
. This will enable sound recording mode in video capture.
Starting capture activity with audio recording:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, VideoFaceCaptureActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_UPPER_TEXT, upperText);
intent.putExtra(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_LOWER_TEXT, lowerText);
intent.putExtra(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_DURATION_MILLIS, 2000);
intent.putExtra(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_RECORDING_TOKEN_HINT, recordingHint);
startActivityForResult(intent, videoRequestCode);
Other VideoFaceCaptureActivity configuration settings and result retrieval is the same as in user face video recording. Authentication API calls and enrollment API calls are the same for recordings with and without face token.
In order to authenticate with the facial module use the sendProvidedPhotosToAuthenticate
method of the Manager
class. An array of cropped images of the face in Bitmap format or
video containing face is passed as the parameter.
Manager.getInstance().sendProvidedFaceCapturesToAuthenticate(PhotosFaceCaptureActivity.images, new FaceCapturesAuthenticateCallback() {
public void success(FaceAuthenticateModel faceAuthenticateModel) {
public void failure(VolleyError volleyError) {
Manager.getInstance().sendProvidedFaceCapturesToAuthenticate(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.video, new FaceCapturesAuthenticateCallback() {
public void success(FaceAuthenticateModel faceAuthenticateModel) {
public void failure(VolleyError volleyError) {
To get serialised authentication request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedSendProvidedFaceCapturesToAuthenticate(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.video, metadata)
Enrolling with the facial module is done by calling the sendProvidedFaceCapturesToEnroll
method of the Manager
class. An array of cropped images of the face in Bitmap format or
video containing face is passed as the parameter.
Manager.getInstance().sendProvidedFaceCapturesToEnroll(PhotoFaceCaptureActivity.images, new FaceCapturesEnrollCallback() {
public void success(FaceEnrollModel faceEnrollModel) {
public void failure(VolleyError volleyError) {
Manager.getInstance().sendProvidedFaceCapturesToEnroll(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.video, new FaceCapturesEnrollCallback() {
public void success(FaceEnrollModel faceEnrollModel) {
public void failure(VolleyError volleyError) {
To get serialised enroll request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedSendProvidedFaceCapturesToEnroll(VideoFaceCaptureActivity.video, metadata)
Two batches of images of faces can be compared using thecompareFacesPhotos
method of
the Manager
class. The method accepts an array of images of the first face and an array
of images of the second face as parameters.
Manager.getInstance().compareFacesPhotos(facialImages1, facialImages2, new FaceCompareCallback() {
public void success(FaceCompareModel faceCompareModel) {
public void failure(VolleyError volleyError) {
To get serialised face comparison request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedCompareFacesPhotos(facialImages1, facialImages2, metadata)
In order to enroll or authenticate via voice module you have to record user reading text.
The text is retrieved with getVoiceToken
method. The parameter type of this method
specifies use case for retrieved text. See enum VoiceTokenType
for possible values.
Text to be presented to the user is returned by the result method getToken()
Manager.getInstance().getVoiceToken(VoiceTokenType.AUTH, new VoiceTokenCallback() {
public void success(VoiceTokenModel tokenModel) {
String token = tokenModel.getToken();
// use token
To get serialised voice token request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedVoiceToken(VoiceTokenType.AUTH, metadata)
In order to record audio containing user's voice VoiceCaptureActivity
has to be started.
The result can be obtained in onActivtyResult
if result code is RESULT_OK
static field VoiceCaptureActivity.audio
When starting activity, the following extras can be used to customize activity:
- text displayed above presented token.VoiceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_RECORDING_HINT
- text for user to read.
Top hint is optional and may be omitted - no text will be displayed in destined place.
Remember to add VoiceCaptureActivity
to your application's manifest file.
<activity android:name="com.aimbrain.sdk.voiceCapture.VoiceCaptureActivity"/>
Starting record activity:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, VoiceCaptureActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(VoiceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_UPPER_TEXT, upperText);
intent.putExtra(VoiceCaptureActivity.EXTRA_RECORDING_HINT, recordingToken);
startActivityForResult(intent, voiceRequestCode);
Using recorded audio:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if(requestCode == voiceRequestCode && resultCode == RESULT_OK){
this.voice = VoiceCaptureActivity.audio;
In order to authenticate with the voice module use the sendProvidedVoiceCapturesToAuthenticate
method of the Manager
A byte array containing voice audio is passed as the parameter. The recorded audio must be
token retrieved by getVoiceToken
using type VoiceTokenType.AUTH
Manager.getInstance().sendProvidedVoiceCapturesToAuthenticate(VoiceCaptureActivity.audio, new VoiceCapturesAuthenticateCallback() {
public void success(VoiceAuthenticateModel voiceAuthenticateModel) {
// authentication succeeded
public void failure(VolleyError volleyError) {
// authentication failed
To get serialised authentication request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedSendProvidedVoiceCapturesToAuthenticate(VoiceCaptureActivity.audio, metadata)
Enrolling with the voice module is done by calling the sendProvidedVoiceCapturesToEnroll
method of the Manager
class. A byte array containing voice audio is passed as the parameter.
Manager.getInstance().sendProvidedVoiceCapturesToEnroll(VoiceCaptureActivity.audio, new VoiceCaptureEnrollCallback() {
public void success(VoiceEnrollModel voiceEnrollModel) {
// enroll call succesfull
public void failure(VolleyError volleyError) {
// enroll call failed
To complete enroll you have to send recoded audios for token types VoiceTokenType.ENROLL1
, VoiceTokenType.ENROLL3
, VoiceTokenType.ENROLL4
To get serialised enroll request use
SerializedRequest request = Manager.getInstance().getSerializedSendProvidedVoiceCapturesToEnroll(VoiceCaptureActivity.audio, metadata)