A couple of Matlab scripts for SPM5 / SPM8. This code is not maintained anymore by the author.
spmbatch (former spm5batch) creates and runs SPM-jobs for multiple subjects by replacing paths in a given template-job. Jobs on the first level (single subject) are supported, e.g. preprocessing of fMRI data, first-level statistics, image calculator, check registration, jobs with external SPM toolboxes.
dicom2nifti converts DICOM-files (.dcm) to NIfTI-files (.nii or .img/.hdr). A specified directory and its subdirectories are searched for DICOM-files. These files will then be converted to NIfTI format using SPM functions. The NIfTI-files will be properly named, moved to a target-directory and sorted in subdirectories according to their type (anatomical, functional, or DTI).
log_roi_batch creates tables of mean or standard deviation for regions of interest (ROIs) or counts voxels with values within a given range. Voxel exclusion criteria can be specified, which can also be used to count the number of included or excluded voxels within a given value range.