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Matthew Harris edited this page Mar 28, 2017 · 124 revisions

Basic Accounts

note: use personal / school email

  1. create a github account
  2. create a gravatar account
  • upload photo
  1. create a stackoverflow account

Mac setup

  1. Download and install these from MacPatch / Software Catalog
  • Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player, Firefox ESR, xPh3, XQuartz, Stretch Break, Java 1.7, Xcode, Command Line Tools, Cisco Jabber Client
  1. Configure your Mac
  • Open settings, mouse, change right click from primary action to secondary action
  • Click the background to have finder show up at the top menu bar, click Finder, Preferences. Under General un-check all four options for 'Show these items on the desktop:' Under Sidebar, Favorites check the house with your computers name next to it.
  • Remove all icons from the dock but Finder, Settings, Safari
  • Press Apple & spacebar type in Terminal and press enter
  • Right click on Terminal, Options, Keep in dock
  • Press Apple & spacebar type in Firefox and press enter
  • Right click on Firefox, Options, Keep in dock
  • Click Finder in the Dock, your computers name. Right Click and create a new folder 'Applications'
  • Check your certificates for FIREFOX are installed (check all the boxes)
  1. Admin privileges
  1. Download and install
  1. Update bash: Click on Terminal in the Dock vim tutorial

     mkdir workbench
     mkdir projects
     mkdir vimwiki
     cd projects
     git clone
     cp intern/basic-dot/.bash* ~/
     cp intern/basic-dot/.vimrc ~/
     source .bash_profile
  2. Install homebrew

      cd ~/
      /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
    * To search for a package called 'package_name': 
         brew search package_name  
    * To install a package called 'package_name': 
         brew install package_name
         brew install bash-completion fortune hub cowsay git
    * To update brew and upgrade packages
         brew update
         brew upgrade
         brew cleanup
  3. Setup vim

     curl -k -Lo- | bash
  • To update vim (janus)

      cd ~/.vim
  • Add this to the end of the .vimrc file vim .vimrc

      autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree
      autocmd VimEnter * wincmd p
      let NERDTreeShowHidden=1
      colorscheme Vividchalk
  1. Setup wget

     brew install wget
     cd ~/workbench
     mkdir cert
     cd cert/
  2. Setup Python

       pip install virtualenv --cert=~/workbench/cert/cspca.crt
  1. Setup jekyll

    gem install execjs jekyll --user-install
  2. Test to see jekyll worked

    cd ~/projects
    jekyll new test
    rm -rf test
  3. Install Anaconda

GitHub setup

  1. create a repo named 'dot'

  2. create ssh key and save to github

  3. clone repos

     cd ~/projects
     git clone
Clone this wiki locally