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[Source-mysql-v2] : Add converters for datetime (#46929)
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akashkulk authored Oct 16, 2024
1 parent 2122320 commit 02a1a13
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
* Copyright (c) 2023 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
package io.airbyte.cdk.jdbc.converters

import java.time.*
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter

* TODO : Replace all the DateTime related logic of this class with
* [io.airbyte.cdk.db.jdbc.DateTimeConverter]
object DataTypeUtils {
val TIME_FORMATTER: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS")
val TIMESTAMP_FORMATTER: DateTimeFormatter =
val TIMETZ_FORMATTER: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSXXX")
val TIMESTAMPTZ_FORMATTER: DateTimeFormatter =
val DATE_FORMATTER: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
* Copyright (c) 2024 Airbyte, Inc., all rights reserved.
package io.airbyte.cdk.jdbc.converters

import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
import java.sql.*
import java.time.*
import java.time.chrono.IsoEra
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.concurrent.*
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.min

private val LOGGER = KotlinLogging.logger {}

object DateTimeConverter {
private val ONE_CE: Date = Date.valueOf("0001-01-01")
private var loggedUnknownTimeWithTimeZoneClass = false
private var loggedUnknownTimeClass = false
private var loggedUnknownTimestampWithTimeZoneClass = false
private var loggedUnknownTimestampClass = false
private var loggedUnknownDateClass = false

fun convertToTimeWithTimezone(time: Any): String {
if (time is OffsetTime) {
return if (hasZeroSecondsAndNanos(time.toLocalTime()))
else time.toString()
} else {
if (!loggedUnknownTimeWithTimeZoneClass) { { "Unknown class for Time with timezone data type ${time.javaClass}" }
loggedUnknownTimeWithTimeZoneClass = true
val timetz = OffsetTime.parse(time.toString(), TIME_WITH_TIMEZONE_FORMATTER)
return if (hasZeroSecondsAndNanos(timetz.toLocalTime()))
else timetz.toString()

fun convertToTimestampWithTimezone(timestamp: Any): String {
if (timestamp is Timestamp) {
// In snapshot mode, debezium produces a java.sql.Timestamp object for the TIMESTAMPTZ
// type.
// Conceptually, a timestamp with timezone is an Instant. But t.toInstant() actually
// mangles the
// value for ancient dates, because leap years weren't applied consistently in ye olden
// days.
// Additionally, toInstant() (and toLocalDateTime()) actually lose the era indicator, so
// we can't
// rely on their getEra() methods.
// So we have special handling for this case, which sidesteps the toInstant conversion.
val timestamptz: ZonedDateTime = timestamp.toLocalDateTime().atZone(ZoneOffset.UTC)
val value = timestamptz.format(DataTypeUtils.TIMESTAMPTZ_FORMATTER)
return resolveEra(timestamp, value)
} else if (timestamp is OffsetDateTime) {
return resolveEra(
} else if (timestamp is ZonedDateTime) {
return resolveEra(
} else if (timestamp is Instant) {
val offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(timestamp, ZoneOffset.UTC)
val timestamptz = ZonedDateTime.from(offsetDateTime)
val localDate = timestamptz.toLocalDate()
val value = timestamptz.format(DataTypeUtils.TIMESTAMPTZ_FORMATTER)
return resolveEra(localDate, value)
} else {
if (!loggedUnknownTimestampWithTimeZoneClass) { {
"Unknown class for Timestamp with time zone data type ${timestamp.javaClass}"
loggedUnknownTimestampWithTimeZoneClass = true
val instant = Instant.parse(timestamp.toString())
val offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(instant, ZoneOffset.UTC)
val timestamptz = ZonedDateTime.from(offsetDateTime)
val localDate = timestamptz.toLocalDate()
val value = timestamptz.format(DataTypeUtils.TIMESTAMPTZ_FORMATTER)
return resolveEra(localDate, value)

/** See [.convertToTimestampWithTimezone] for explanation of the weird things happening here. */
fun convertToTimestamp(timestamp: Any): String {
if (timestamp is Timestamp) {
// Snapshot mode
val localDateTime: LocalDateTime = timestamp.toLocalDateTime()
return resolveEra(
if (hasZeroSecondsAndNanos(localDateTime.toLocalTime()))
else localDateTime.toString()
} else if (timestamp is Instant) {
// Incremental mode
return resolveEra(
} else if (timestamp is LocalDateTime) {
val date: LocalDate = timestamp.toLocalDate()
return resolveEra(
if (hasZeroSecondsAndNanos(timestamp.toLocalTime()))
else timestamp.toString()
} else {
if (!loggedUnknownTimestampClass) { { "Unknown class for Timestamp data type ${timestamp.javaClass}" }
loggedUnknownTimestampClass = true
val localDateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(timestamp.toString())
val date = localDateTime.toLocalDate()
return resolveEra(
if (hasZeroSecondsAndNanos(localDateTime.toLocalTime()))
else localDateTime.toString()

/** See [.convertToTimestampWithTimezone] for explanation of the weird things happening here. */
fun convertToDate(date: Any): String {
if (date is Date) {
// Snapshot mode
val localDate = date.toLocalDate()
return resolveEra(date, localDate.format(DataTypeUtils.DATE_FORMATTER))
} else if (date is LocalDate) {
// Incremental mode
return resolveEra(date, date.format(DataTypeUtils.DATE_FORMATTER))
} else if (date is Int) {
// Incremental mode
return LocalDate.ofEpochDay(date.toLong()).format(DataTypeUtils.DATE_FORMATTER)
} else {
if (!loggedUnknownDateClass) { { "Unknown class for Date data type${date.javaClass}" }
loggedUnknownDateClass = true
val localDate = LocalDate.parse(date.toString())
return resolveEra(localDate, localDate.format(DataTypeUtils.DATE_FORMATTER))

fun convertToTime(time: Any): String {
if (time is Time) {
return formatTime(time.toLocalTime())
} else if (time is LocalTime) {
return formatTime(time)
} else if (time is Duration) {
val value = time.toNanos()
if (value >= 0 && value < TimeUnit.DAYS.toNanos(1)) {
return formatTime(LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(value))
} else {
val updatedValue =
min(abs(value.toDouble()), LocalTime.MAX.toNanoOfDay().toDouble()).toLong()
LOGGER.debug {
"Time values must use number of nanoseconds greater than 0 and less than 86400000000000 but its $value, converting to $updatedValue "
return formatTime(LocalTime.ofNanoOfDay(updatedValue))
} else {
if (!loggedUnknownTimeClass) { { "Unknown class for Time data type ${time.javaClass}" }
loggedUnknownTimeClass = true

val valueAsString = time.toString()
if (valueAsString.startsWith("24")) {
LOGGER.debug {
"Time value ${valueAsString} is above range, converting to 23:59:59"
return LocalTime.MAX.toString()
return formatTime(LocalTime.parse(valueAsString))

private fun formatTime(localTime: LocalTime): String {
return if (hasZeroSecondsAndNanos(localTime)) localTime.format(DataTypeUtils.TIME_FORMATTER)
else localTime.toString()

fun hasZeroSecondsAndNanos(localTime: LocalTime): Boolean {
return (localTime.second == 0 && localTime.nano == 0)

* Modifies a string representation of a date/timestamp and normalizes its era indicator.
* Specifically, if this is a BCE value:
* * The leading negative sign will be removed if present
* * The "BC" suffix will be appended, if not already present
* You most likely would prefer to call one of the overloaded methods, which accept temporal
* types.
fun resolveEra(isBce: Boolean, value: String): String {
var mangledValue = value
if (isBce) {
if (mangledValue.startsWith("-")) {
mangledValue = mangledValue.substring(1)
if (!mangledValue.endsWith(" BC")) {
mangledValue += " BC"
return mangledValue

fun isBce(date: LocalDate): Boolean {
return date.era == IsoEra.BCE

fun resolveEra(date: LocalDate, value: String): String {
return resolveEra(isBce(date), value)

* java.sql.Date objects don't properly represent their era (for example, using toLocalDate()
* always returns an object in CE). So to determine the era, we just check whether the date is
* before 1 AD.
* This is technically kind of sketchy due to ancient timestamps being weird (leap years, etc.),
* but my understanding is that [.ONE_CE] has the same weirdness, so it cancels out.
fun resolveEra(date: Date, value: String): String {
return resolveEra(date.before(ONE_CE), value)

/** See [.resolveEra] for explanation. */
fun resolveEra(timestamp: Timestamp, value: String): String {
return resolveEra(timestamp.before(ONE_CE), value)
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ data:
connectorSubtype: database
connectorType: source
definitionId: 561393ed-7e3a-4d0d-8b8b-90ded371754c
dockerImageTag: 0.0.23
dockerImageTag: 0.0.24
dockerRepository: airbyte/source-mysql-v2
githubIssueLabel: source-mysql-v2
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import io.airbyte.cdk.util.Jsons
import io.airbyte.integrations.source.mysql.CdcIncrementalConfiguration
import io.airbyte.integrations.source.mysql.InvalidCdcCursorPositionBehavior
import io.airbyte.integrations.source.mysql.MysqlSourceConfiguration
import io.airbyte.integrations.source.mysql.cdc.converters.MySQLDateTimeConverter
import io.airbyte.protocol.models.v0.AirbyteRecordMessage
import io.airbyte.protocol.models.v0.AirbyteRecordMessageMeta
import io.debezium.connector.mysql.MySqlConnector
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -393,6 +394,11 @@ class MySqlDebeziumOperations(
.withDatabase("include.list", databaseName)
.with("converters", "datetime")
// TODO: add missing properties, like MySQL converters, etc. Do a full audit.
Expand Down

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