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tezblock is a block explorer for Tezos, an open-source platform for assets and applications, backed by a global community of validators, researchers, and builders. tezblock is being built by Papers, the team behind AirGap.

👉 for the live version.

Local Deployment

tezblock depends on the Conseil protocol indexer. Follow the steps to deploy Conseil locally or read through the README in the Conseil GitHub repository.

Build and deploy Conseil

Clone the Conseil repository and cd into the cloned folder.

git clone
cd Conseil

Build the Conseil docker image

docker build -t conseil .

Edit docker-compose.yml by changing the image value for the conseil and lorre services to conseil in order to use the docker image built in the previous step, or just leave the preconfigured value to use the published image.

Edit docker-compose.yml by changing the XTZ_Scheme, XTZ_Host, XTZ_Port and XTZ_Network values to point to your own Tezos node, or just leave the preconfigured value to use the Cryptonomic node.

Optional - Conseil performance optimization

To increase performance, uncomment the following line in the docker-compose.yml file:


Edit the sql/conseil.sql file by adding:

  • ALTER ROLE conseiluser SET search_path TO tezos,public;
  • ALTER DATABASE "conseil-local" SET search_path TO tezos,public;
  • CREATE INDEX ix_accounts_history_account_id ON tezos.accounts_history USING hash (account_id);
  • CREATE INDEX ix_operations_level ON tezos.operations USING hash (level);
  • CREATE INDEX ix_operations_level_kind ON tezos.operations USING btree (level,kind);
  • CREATE INDEX ix_operations_manager_pubkey ON tezos.operations USING hash (manager_pubkey);
  • CREATE INDEX ix_operations_operation_group_hash ON tezos.operations USING hash (operation_group_hash);

Run the Conseil instance

docker-compose up -d

Setup local Tezos node

To run a Tezos node locally, clone Nautilus:

git clone

From the cloned repository, run:

bash ./docker/ -t

The above command will create and start a docker container with a Tezos node running in archive mode. The docker image name is tezos-node-local.

Build and deploy tezblock

Clone the tezblock repository and cd into the cloned folder.

git clone
cd tezblock

Edit the src/environments/environment.ts and src/environments/ files and change:

  • MAINNET_RPC_URL URL to the JSON RPC interface of a Tezos node
  • MAINNET_CONSEIL_URL URL of a running Conseil service
  • MAINNET_CONSEIL_API_KEY API key for the Conseil service
  • MAINNET_TARGET_URL Value can be set to the URL tezblock will be accessible from. Only needed if switching between the different network deployments is desired, otherwise this can be ignored

If support for test networks is needed, edit the testnet specific values, or ignore them otherwise.

From the root of the tezblock folder, execute the following command to build tezblock:

yarn install
yarn build

To start tezblock on http://localhost:4200, execute:

yarn start