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The AirRobeWidget Android SDK provides Circular Wardrobe widgets for your native Android application.


  • Android 5.0 (API level 21) and above


Use Gradle

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.airrobe:airrobe-widget-sdk:x.x.x'

Or Maven



If you are using ProGuard you might need to add OkHttp's rules

Getting Started

The AirRobe SDK contains UI components that can be added to your product detail screens, cart screens, and order confirmation screens. The AirRobeOptIn component is intended to be used on a single product detail screens, the AirRobeMultiOptIn component on cart screen, and the AirRobeConfirmation component on the order confirmation screen.


You are going to need your AirRobe appId, which is used to configure widgets and fetch up-to-date data mapping information. You can access your appId here


The first step is to perform some global initialization of AirRobeWidgets:

import com.airrobe.widgetsdk.airrobewidget.AirRobeWidget
import com.airrobe.widgetsdk.airrobewidget.config.AirRobeWidgetConfig
import com.airrobe.widgetsdk.airrobewidget.config.Mode

        appId = "APP_ID",           // required
        mode = enum                 // optional - (`Mode.PRODUCTION` or `Mode.SANDBOX`), default value is `Mode.PRODUCTION`
Color configuration
AirRobeWidget.backgroundColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)     // the color of the widget background. default value is "#FFFFFF"
AirRobeWidget.borderColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)         // the color of the widget border. default value is "#DFDFDF"
AirRobeWidget.arrowColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)          // the color of the widget drop down arrow icon. default value is "#42ABC8"
AirRobeWidget.textColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)           // the color of the widget text. default value is "#232323"
AirRobeWidget.switchColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)         // the color of the widget switch ON color. default value is "#42ABC8"
AirRobeWidget.buttonBorderColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)   // the color of the widget activate button border. default value is "#232323"
AirRobeWidget.buttonTextColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)     // the color of the widget activate button text. default value is "#232323"
AirRobeWidget.separatorColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)      // the color of the learn more dialog separators. default value is "#DFDFDF"
AirRobeWidget.linkTextColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)       // the color of the widget legal copy text. default value is "#696969"

Note: The configuration must always be set when using the SDK, and before any included widgets are initialized.


AirRobe Widgets should be added by using XML or programmatically added inside your activity, and then configured using the initialize function, passing required arguments.

AirRobeOptIn Initialization

The AirRobeOptIn component should be added to your product details screen, passing arguments for the product's category and price, as well as material and brand if available. These attributes are used to fetch estimated resale price from the AirRobe Price Engine. Localisation attributes can also be provided.

Note: The widget will not be displayed unless the product is AirRobe-eligible. The AirRobeWidget Android SDK considers a product's category, price, and department when making an eligibility determination.

In xml
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
Xml attributes
airrobe:backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"   <!-- the color of the widget background. default value is "#DFDFDF" -->
airrobe:borderColor="#DFDFDF"       <!-- the color of the widget border. default value is "#DFDFDF" -->
airrobe:arrowColor="#42ABC8"        <!-- the color of the widget drop down arrow icon. default value is "#42ABC8" -->
airrobe:linkTextColor="#696969"     <!-- the color of the widget legal copy text. default value is "#696969" -->
airrobe:switchColor="#42ABC8"       <!-- the color of the widget switch ON color. default value is "#42ABC8" -->
airrobe:textColor="#232323"         <!-- the color of the widget text. default value is "#232323" -->
In class
val optInWidget = findViewById<AirRobeOptIn>(
    brand = String?,                  // optional - e.g. "Chanel", can be null
    material = String?,               // optional - e.g. "Leather", can be null
    category = String,                // required - e.g. "Hats/fancy-hats"
    department = String?,             // optional - e.g. "Kidswear"
    priceCents = Double,              // required - e.g. 100.95f
    originalFullPriceCents = Double?, // optional - e.g. 62.00f, can be null
    rrpCents = Double?,               // optional - e.g. 62.00f, can be null
    currency = String,                // optional - default is "AUD"
    locale = String                   // optional - default is "en-AU"

// Color configuration
optInWidget.widgetBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
optInWidget.borderColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
optInWidget.textColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
optInWidget.switchColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
optInWidget.arrowColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
optInWidget.linkTextColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)

AirRobeMultiOptIn Initialization

The AirRobeMultiOptIn component should be added to your cart screen. A list of product categories should be passed as an argument during initialisation.

Note - The widget will not be displayed on the page if the following conditions are met:

- The items argument has an empty array as a value.
- All the product categories passed in haven't been mapped to the categories in AirRobe. However, it will be displayed if any one of the categories have been mapped to AirRobe.
In xml
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""

        android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

Xml attributes
airrobe:backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"   <!-- the color of the widget background. default value is "#DFDFDF" -->
airrobe:borderColor="#DFDFDF"       <!-- the color of the widget border. default value is "#DFDFDF" -->
airrobe:arrowColor="#42ABC8"        <!-- the color of the widget drop down arrow icon. default value is "#42ABC8" -->
airrobe:linkTextColor="#696969"     <!-- the color of the widget legal copy text. default value is "#696969" -->
airrobe:switchColor="#42ABC8"       <!-- the color of the widget switch ON color. default value is "#42ABC8" -->
airrobe:textColor="#232323"         <!-- the color of the widget text. default value is "#232323" -->
In class
val multiOptInWidget = findViewById<AirRobeMultiOptIn>(
    items = arrayListOf(String), // required - e.g. arrayListOf("Accessories", "Accessories/Beauty", "Accessories/Bags/Leather bags/Weekender/Handbags", "Accessories/Bags/Clutches/Bum Bags")

// Color configuration
multiOptInWidget.widgetBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
multiOptInWidget.borderColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
multiOptInWidget.textColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
multiOptInWidget.switchColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
multiOptInWidget.arrowColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
multiOptInWidget.linkTextColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)

AirRobeConfirmation Initialization

The AirRobeConfirmation component should be added to the order confirmation screen in your app. While this component should always be rendered in the activity, it will only be visible to customers if they opted in to AirRobe for their order.

Note - The widget will not be displayed on the page if the following conditions are met:

- If orderId or email are not passed in.
- If the user doesn't opt in.
In xml
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android=""


Xml attributes
airrobe:backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"     <!-- the color of the widget background. default value is "#DFDFDF" -->
airrobe:borderColor="#DFDFDF"         <!-- the color of the widget border. default value is "#DFDFDF" -->
airrobe:textColor="#232323"           <!-- the color of the widget text. default value is "#232323" -->
airrobe:buttonBorderColor="#232323"   <!-- the color of the widget activate button border. default value is "#232323" -->
airrobe:buttonTextColor="#FFFFFF"     <!-- the color of the widget activate button text. default value is "#232323" -->
In class
val confirmationWidget = findViewById<AirRobeConfirmation>(
    orderId = String,           // required - e.g. "123456" - the order id you got from the checkout.
    email = String,             // required
    orderSubtotalCents = Int,   // required - Sum of line item prices including tax, less discounts, excluding any shipping costs.
    currency = String,          // optional - the ISO 4217 currency code for the order subtotal, defaulting to "AUD" if omitted.
    fraudRisk = Boolean         // optional - fraud status for the confirmation widget, default value is false.

// Color configuration
confirmationWidget.widgetBackgroundColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
confirmationWidget.borderColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
confirmationWidget.textColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
confirmationWidget.buttonBorderColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
confirmationWidget.buttonTextColor = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
Other Functionality
Clear Cache (Opt value reset)
Reset Order (OrderOptedIn value reset)
Get Order-Opted-In value
Check Multi-Opt-In Eligibility
AirRobeWidget.checkMultiOptInEligibility(items: ArrayList<String>): Boolean
Check Confirmation Widget Eligibility
AirRobeWidget.checkConfirmationEligibility(context: Context, orderId: String, email: String, fraudRisk: Boolean): Boolean
Track Page View
AirRobeWidget.trackPageView(context: Context, pageName: String)


The example project demonstrates how to include AirRobeWidget UI components in a sample application.