lgtm-gitlab is used to auto merge gitlab CE MR with your LGTM like gitlab EE approve
You should create a access token on your gitlab
./lgtm --help
-db_path string
bolt db data (default "lgtm.data")
-gitlab_url string
e.g. https://your.gitlab.com
-lgtm_count int
lgtm user count (default 2)
-lgtm_note string
lgtm note (default "LGTM")
-log_level string
log level (default "info")
-port int
http listen port (default 8989)
-token string
gitlab private token which used to accept merge request. can be found in https://your.gitlab.com/profile/account
docker run -d --restart=always \
--name lgtm-gitlab \
-e LGTM_GITLAB_URL=http://your_gitlab_url \
-p 8989:8989 \
Now you can comment a LGTM on gitlab MR, when the lgtm_count
achieve, the MR will be merged.