Cached Shadow Maps is a unity package for caching shadow maps on unity's built in lighting system, storing them (while valid) for later use effectively reduces the number of shadows casters to be rendered each frame. This include automatic recomputation when a light source context is detected to be dirty.
Cached Shadow Maps was developed for the published first person puzzle game Lightmatter, this technology is now released to the public under Apache License 2.0
Edit your Unity projects "Packages/manifest.json" to include the string
"com.cnheider.cachedshadowmaps": ""}
{ "dependencies": { "com.unity.package-manager-ui": "0.0.0-builtin", ... "com.aivclab.cachedshadowmaps": "", } }
You can use
"com.aivclab.cachedshadowmaps": ""
for a specific branch.
- Download the newest CSM.unitypackage from releases and import into your Unity project.
- Acquire the Cached Shadow Maps (Temporarily down) package from the built-in asset store of the Unity Editor.
cnheider/cachedshadowmaps # This repository
├── Samples # Sample Project
├── Editor # Editor Implementation
├── Runtime # Runtime Implementation
├── Documentation # Unity Package Documentation
├── Gizmos # Icons
├── Tests # Tests
├── .github # Images and such for this README
├── # License file (Important but boring)
├── # The top-level README
└── # Very quick tutorial to get you started
For citation you may use the following bibtex entry:
author = {Heider, Christian},
title = {Cached Shadow Maps},
year = {2020},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{}},