|Command Name |Arguments |Description |Minimum Rank |
|match |<@username>
| Love Calculator | User
|dare |<@username>
| Play truth & dare game with others | User
|truth |<@username>
| Play truth & dare game with others | User
|startroulette |null
| Manually start roulette. | Menager
|endroulette |null
| If roulette is started use this to end it manually. | Menager
|fortunecookie |null
| Open your fortunecookie.
|8ball |<any text>
| Asks the Magic 8 Ball a question.
|about | | Displays bot's "about" message.
|afktime |[@username\|#userID]
| Returns the amount of time a user has been inactive. Gets your own info if no valid argument.
|anagram |<7-30 character string>
| Returns an anagram of the given word(s), retrieved from www.anagramgenius.com.
|blacklist |<blacklist name>
<video ID//track ID>
| Adds or removes songs to/from a given blacklist.|Manager
|blacklists || Returns list of valid blacklist names to be used with the blacklist command.
|commands || Lists active commands and amount of inactive commands.
|dc || Places you back into the waitlist at your old position ONLY IF you were disconnected while waiting.Must be undefined since disconnecting.
|dclookup |[@username\|userID]
| Returns a user's last disconnect time and position. Use their ID if they are not present in the room.
|love |<@username>
| Show someone how much you love him/them.!
|cookie |<@username>
| Give someone a cookie!
|disable |<command name>
| Disable a command.|Manager
|enable |<command name>
| Enable a command.|Manager
|english |<@username>
| Notify a user in their language to speak English if it is required.|Bouncer
|kick |@username
| Bans a user from the room and unbans them 2.5 seconds later, simulating a kick.|Manager
|gif |<tags>
| Grabs a random image from Giphy with the given tags. 2s cooldown.
|help |<chat command name>
| Returns the description of a command.
|jointime |[@username\|#userID]
| Returns amount of time since the given user entered the room. Gets your own info if no valid argument.
|link || Returns the link of the song currently playing.
|props || Show some appreciation for the DJ!
|roll |[<1-10>\|<1-20d1-999999999>]
| Returns a random number with given amount of digits, or rolls dice. Default: 2 digits.
|seentime |[@username\|#userID]
| Returns the total amount of time a user has been seen in the room. Gets your own info if no valid argument.
|set |<option>
| Sets a bot option to the given value. If no value is given, returns the current value of it. List of valid options: https://git.io/vM9aD|Manager
|shots, shot |[@username]
| Buy a random shot for a user!
|skip |[reason]
| Skips current song with optional reason, if valid.|Bouncer
|skipreasons || Lists reasons that can be used with !skip.|Bouncer
|stats |[@username\|#userID]
| Returns the user's recorded amount of plays and votes received. Gets your own info if no valid argument.
|swap |@user1
| Swaps positions of two users in the waitlist. At least one must be in the waitlist.|Manager
|trigger || Returns current trigger of the bot. This can be called with any valid trigger character.
|uptime || Returns uptime of this bot.
|Command |Option |Description|
|autoWoot |true
| false
|If true, automatically woots when a new song is played.
|welcomeUsers |true
| false
|If true, welcomes users joining the room.
| false
|If true, deletes messages beginning with the bot's trigger.
|chatDeleteResponses |true
| false
|If true, deletes responses to !afkdisable and !joindisable.
|announcementInterval |Number
(MILLISECONDS)|Amount of time between announcements in MILLISECONDS, must be above 5000. Default is 1800000 (30 minutes). Will restart the timer when this is changed.
|announcementRandom |true
| false
|If true, selects random announcements to send. If false, sends them in the order they are listed.
|sendAnnouncements |true
| false
|If true, sends announcements.
|useMessageCommands |true
| false
|If true, allows message commands to be used (such as shuffle, fav, rules, theme, etc)
|doAFKCheck |true
| false
|If true, checks for AFK users on the waitlist and removes them.
|doRoulette |true
| false
|If true, begins a roulette every hour.
|doAutoDisable |true
| false
|If true, sends the "!afkdisable" and "!joindisable" messages every hour.
|autoStuckSkip |true
| false
|If true, checks to see if a song is playing 60 seconds past its actual length and skips it if it is.
|doSkipCheck |true
| false
|If true, checks to see if a song should be skipped based on history/blacklist/etc. Will NOT skip the song, but is required to be true for doAutoSkip to work.
|doAutoSkip |true
| false
|If true, autoskips songs if they are found in history/blacklists/etc. Requires doSkipCheck to be true.
|hostBypassAutoSkip |true
| false
|If true, the host of the room can bypass autoskip conditions unless the song is unavailable.
|sendMOTD |true
| false
|If true, sends the MOTD.
|motdInterval |Number
(MILLISECONDS)|Amount of time between MOTD messages in MILLISECONDS, must be above 5000. Default is 1800000 (30 minutes). Restarts the timer if changed.
|motd |string
|The MOTD message.