Trips Unplanned is a fullstack app that helps users to plan a trip to major cities with weather, restaurants and info for local attractions.
HTML, CSS, React.js, Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, SQL
Live Link: API Repo:
The comments/recommendations section has an API with one endpoint /api/comments. GET /api/comments retrieves all the stored comments and displays them on the main page - stored as an array of objects
Properties of Each Object -id:12 (number, generated when posted in database) -username:Fake Name (string) -comment:Comments about App or Recommendation(string)
POST /api/comments - user submits their name and comment and/or recommendation in a form on the main page and it is sent as a POST request to the database Properties of Each Object -id:12 (number, generated when posted in database) -username:Fake Name (string) -comment:Comments about App or Recommendation(string)
-be able to submit the form with the city info from the main page and have basic weather info, a restaurant and an attraction display on main page then click to each page for more info