An example of using swagger console with gorilla/mux rest.
- step 1: Comment annotate main and handler methods with swagger comments
- step 1.1: Download swag by using:
$ go get -u
- step 2: swag init -g main.go
- this will generate docs folder and swagger json in it
- import it e.g. _ ""
- step 3: host swagger with ""
go get -u
cd $GOPATH/src/
go run main.go or fresh
go get
swag init
swag init -g router.go //if its not main.go
this generates swagger json and init fucntion in {approot}/docs folder
go get -u
go get -u
import ""
Fresh reloads the rest app automatically on each file change ( How to:
go get
just run fresh
in app root
Any compile/runtime exceptions are logged in dynamically generated file:
_ import statements prefixed with an ubnderscore.
- This means, import package, create package-level variables and execute the init function of that package. It is used for side effects such as init scripts etc.
There are some tricks in import declaration, for example by doing:
import m "container/list" You could refer to the exported identifiers with "m.Identifiername", e.g. l := m.New() Also by doing: import . "container/list" You can leave out the package name completely: l := New()
This should run all tests in current directory and all of its subdirectories:
$ go test ./...
This should run all tests with import path prefixed with foo/:
$ go test foo/...
This should run all tests import path prefixed with foo:
$ go test foo...
This should run all tests in your $GOPATH:
$ go test ...
go test -cover ./...
go test $(go list ./... | grep -v /archive/)